Thoughts on parents checking phones?

As in… looking through your messages and pictures and search history.


I think sometimes it is a good thing I have even heard someone say they wish their parents took a look through their phone when they were young but sometimes you just have to give kids privacy. If you don’t trust them don’t give them the phone in the first place. I have never had this happen to me unless I have been “bad” but even then my parents don’t go through it. My mum doesn’t even know my password anyway.


Also to add to this. Some things parents should go through to make sure you are safe online but photos and stuff is in most cases an invasion of privacy. There will probably not be anything of concern there most times.


Same I get so scared for no reason and hate when they are searching through it. I think its because they are always so over dramatic about things that we think we will get in trouble for the smallest of reasons. One time my parents took my phone and looked through it and they saw a profile of my friend (which was a girl) and it had a famous boy actor and they thought I was talking to guys. I am so glad that I don’t have to deal with that anymore.


Omg same. like don’t do that!!


Even though it causes multiple heart attacks sjnjhjsk :sob: :raised_hand:
I personally think it’s a good thing to do every once in a while ngl, firstly it’s a great way to know what their kids are up to (unless they delete the search history :sneezing_face:) And you never know what kids/teens these days may be up to.



(not everyone will agree with this, hence why I said personally)

I think that if the child is 14 or over then it’s a total invasion on privacy, they’re growing up and testing/exploring things that they might not want to talk to their parents about and shouldn’t feel pressured to. Messages with friends shouldn’t be checked because they could be talking about anything and sometimes it can look bad but not have a bad meaning, etc.
If the child is under 14 I think it’s more for safety reasons, most people 14+ know the dangers of talking to strangers online and are quite cautious about it. Younger people may not be, etc.
If they’re a girl and talking to guys it doesn’t always mean they’re ‘dating’ they could just be friends or (like me) asking for homework answers.
Going through photos, I don’t like no matter what age they are. It’s an invasion of privacy and isn’t needed.


I don’t search or do anything bad on any of my devices but when my dad asks to go to GPS or search something up while he sits next to me, my heart also drops because I think one of my friends will message me and be like “Aye what’s up g?! where’s your *ss at?” :joy: :sob: :skull:


I literally search minion memes but my I just freak out lol. :clown_face:


Umm yes. My classmates know stuff they don’t need to and everytime I send or say smth innocent, they take it as smth not-so-innocent :skull:


Lol. I don’t even have my own phone. Not yet. I use my mother’s phone. And we have this agreement that Mom won’t read the chats with my friends (because, you know when you are talking to friends your tone is very informal and parents may get a wrong impression about me). But I think she sometimes does check my chats, but since she doesn’t complain I don’t mind 'cause I haven’t done anything wrong.


I know! I had this friend before, which I don’t speak to nor look at for the matter of fact, and every time I would open my mouth, or even say the answer in class (pre-covid) they would sexualize a n y t h I n g.


Oh my god! SO dam relatable! :skull:


EXACTLY! I wonder how do they do it???


Ikr :skull: I’d just stay there until I figure out what it was then I’d threaten to kick their butts so :raised_hands:


Oh hun, I can’t do that. I used to hang out with both guys and girls, now only girls, but I’m 5 ft tall, they’re all over 5’6 and all strong athletes :joy:


I have to Google half of the things and they tease me about it. :sad_panda:


Ha me too. But a couple years ago I beat the guys in arm wrestling and for some reason the guys believe I’ll still kick their butts lolll


Yeah, I agree. Parents who go through their child or teens photos should that mostly a huge invasion of privacy!


Nope, this is always wrong. It teaches your kids that they have no privacy, deserve very little respect, that you don’t trust them, and teaches that consent isn’t important. Most parents do this as a power trip. They should always ask their kids before taking their phone AND make sure that if the kid says no, that they will give them the benefit of the doubt. You need to trust your kids. Plus, if you’re worried that your kids are doing something wrong on Social Media, you need to check yourself and ask yourself why. Is your child too young? Are they a “problem” child? If it’s the first, you shouldn’t have given them a phone, and if it’s the second, SUPPORT THEM INSTEAD OF SNOOPING OR PUNISHING. For more reasons why I despise parents who do this, check out this article. Claiming snooping helps or protects children is a FULL load of bullshit. I could go on a whole rant about this… but I’ll stop here before I get even more angry.