Tips To Create Ethiopian Characters&Phrases In Amharic

Hello, everyone.
Today I want to give you 3 tips to how to make a Ethiopian character.
In addition, I will tell you one or two things about the Ethiopian culture, such as language. Maybe it will be out of the topic, but it can help you understand some things about this topic .
Later, I will teach you some sentences in Amharic.

First of ALL: Personality
As you know, not all the Ethiopian are Jews.
Ethiopia always has been a Christian country, but in addition of all, there are Muslims (especially, there are the Somalia people and Oromo ones)
I would like to tell you that regardless of religions, not all the Ethiopian-Jews are religion.
Indeed, members of Jewish communities (such as Beta Israel, Beta Avraham) who immigrated to Israel have been (and still are) religious, but nowadays not all the descendants are religious. I will give you an example of my family members: I have 3-4 brothers who are not keeping Senbet (or Shabbat in Hebrew. Both words’ meaning is “Saturday”). In addition, Ethiopians are people who respect others, especially their parents and people who are older than them.
Please do not misunderstand, it is not that I am telling you that other cultures are disrespectful, god-forbid. I am only giving you things that characterize Ethiopians. I respect every religion and its culture, and that is even part of the education that Ethiopian are given.

As all of you know, Ethiopians are dark-skinned.
However, let me tell you that there are some Ethiopians who are light-skinned (I mean that they have a bright skin, but not nech’ {in Amharic: ነጭ, lit. : white. }. Well, after telling you the meaning of the word, then I believe you already know what do we, the Ethiopians, mean when we call someone
"nech’ ".
Even there are some Ethiopians who have green eyes (but it is not very common). Most of Ethiopians’ eye color is brown or honey-brown.

Adding Words/Sentences or Phrases from Amharic Language (Recommended)

As you know, the formal language of Ethiopian is Amharic (the language is called amareña {amar’nya} in Amharic: አማርኛ). So, if you would like to add words in Amharic as a Ethiopian Character’s saying, then I will give you some examples of very common sentences, but before, let me tell you that when Ethiopians say sentences such as “good morning”, “how are you”, etc. then they always say " igzi’abihern yimesgen" (in Amharic: ኄግዚአቄሔርን ይመሔግን".), which literally means “praise god”.
I will not write all the common phrases. If you want to ask me more about the language, then you can ask me or send me privacy

- So here are examples of sentences in Amharic:

Click here to see more


t’ena yistiliñ (formal)/ selam (you could say that it is less formal, but not totally.)

  • We say “te’na yistiliĂ±â€ (ñ=nyi) to a person we know, especially to a person who is older than us - to give/show him/her respect (lit. translation: peace and blessing, your honor)
    We say “selam” to everyone, whether we know the person or not. You can also say that. They are more phrases for “hello”, but as I said, I will only give you examples of common sentences/phrases, so I will not go into details much.

Good morning
endemin aderk(m)
Endemin adersh(f)
Endemin aderachehu(pl.)

Good afternoon
endemin walek (wa-lk)-(m)
endemin walesh (wa-lsh)-(f)
endemin walachehu (pl.)

Good evening
endemin amsheh (m)
endemin amshesh (f)
endemin amshachehu (pl.)

Good night
Melkam lelit

**Thank you **

Betam amesegnalehu (lit. Thank you very much)
If you just want to say " thank you", you can remove the word “betam”, so you just say “amesegnalehu”.

Asking Questions and answers:

What’s your name?
semeh (s-me-h) man new? (m).
semesh man new? (f)
My name is

 yibalal. OR you can just say “s’me
 new”. Other option to say your name: Ine
neñ (nenyi), which means " I am

where are you from?
Keyet new yemet’awot?
I am from

Ine ke(you name your country) neñ (neny).

How old are you
Idmeh sint (s’nt) new? (m)
Idmesh sint new? (f)
I am
years old
(Your age) 'amete new.

How are you?

Endemin neh? (m)
Endemin nesh? (f)
Endemin nachehu? (pl.)

They are more, but as I said, I will not go into details much.
So, if you want to see more useful phrases in Amharic, then click on the link:


In Ethiopia, surnames are given after the father’s or grandfather’s first name.

We have some traditional foods (I will give you only two known traditional foods):

Dabbo (in Amharic: ደቩ. Lit: Bread)


Injera (in Amharic: ኄንጀራ)



I hope it helped you and if you have questions, then do not hesitate to ask (you can send me privately).
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Thank you so much for this! This is very useful. :grin::blush:


I am glad you find it useful :wink: :blush: :ok_hand:

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Very useful post, thank you! :slight_smile:


Ooh, this is really interesting! I love learning about different cultures and languages. In fact, we’re only allowed to continue two languages and pick up one (learn three at once) in school, but me being me, I pleaded with my head of year to let me take another, and it worked. I’m currently learning French, German, Spanish and Mandarin in school, and Japanese at home, since that’s what a lot of my family speak. I also obviously speak English :slight_smile: Thanks for this, it was really interesting.


I am glad you think this way. :grin:
Is your language Japanese, if I may ask?

I can speak the language. I know Hebrew, Amharic, Japanese, Spanish, a little French, Russian (not fluent) and there are some languages that I know a little bit (one or two sentences, such as Chinese, Korean and Tygrinya) and of course I know English.


Those are a lot of languages! My mother tongue and first language is technically Japanese, although nobody could’ve guessed it. For the sake of information, not glorifying myself, English is my best subject and I have won a lot of awards and such for it. I spoke Japanese from birth to four years old, after which time I had to learn English, due to the fact that I live in an English-speaking country. I read hundreds of books, completed worksheets faster than ever, studied English night and day, even in the car on the way back and to school, and that is how I learnt English :smile:

I did retain a little knowledge of Japanese, but obviously, I still have to learn and relearn everything, as the vocabulary and knowledge of a four year old isn’t going to get me very far in Japan :joy: I’m currently learning some grammar and basic kanji, and for some stupid reason, I can learn 20 kanji off by heart in a day, but after a month, I can’t remember the days of the week in Japanese (although, much to my joy, I’ve managed to learn Wednesday-Friday).


I must admit that it is pretty impressive :astonished:.
Seems like you are a very clever person, @_haruka san :wink:


Aw, thank you, but you must be super clever as well if you know all those languages :open_mouth:


I am not that clever. Believe me that I have a lot to learn.

Thanks for giving likes, @EpisodeShadow


Yw. :blush:

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Ethipians and Eritreans have such a special thing about their look. You can always tell they’re ethiopian!


hoops didnt mean 2 quote

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It is “Ethiopians”, @Januva


You wrote “Ethipian”.
I hope I did not offend you

ok i know the correct spelling already as you can see

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