Titling an Overlay

Hi I need help in coding a wine glass being tilted to the mouth. Can someone clean up my errors please.
&BRIANNA is pickup_object_neutral
&overlay 6088026729218048_WINE GLASS shifts to 247 343
@pause for a beat
&BRIANNA is sip_cup_neutral_loop
&overlay 6088026729218048_WINE GLASS shifts to 203 343
&overlay 6088026729218048_WINE GLASS rotates 10 anchor point 1 1
@pause for a beat
&BRIANNA is return_object_neutral
&overlay 6088026729218048_WINE GLASS shifts to 232 294
@pause for 1

What is the error

Well it the glass isn’t moving with the animation and the tilt looks wrong.

@Sydney_H or @Jeremy please close this post!

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You got it @Katie36