‘Too many values to unpack’

Can anyone spot what the error is please

When using a speed number to slow their speed, you can’t write the zone.

Heres what you should write:
@TORI walks to spot 0.741 200 227 in 3

Your character will still walk to zone 2 even without the direction.

I think you should capitalize the then word

Also when giving Tori an action try:

AND TORI faces left AND TORI is idle_rear.

Also when putting numbers for walking to spots put:
DEX walks to spot 0.799 153 203

You forgot the word spot when directing Dex.

You could also try using the & command instead:

&DEX walks to 0.799 153 203 in zone 2 in 3 AND DEX faces left THEN DEX starts holdwaist_give_start_rear
@/TORI walks to spot 0.741 200 227 in zone 2 in 3 AND TORI faces left THEN TORI starts idle_rear

You could split this up even more if you’d like:

&DEX walks to 0.799 153 203 in zone 2 in 3 THEN DEX starts holdwaist…
&DEX faces left
&TORI faces left
@/TORI walks to spot 0.741 200 227 in zone 2 in 3 THEN TORI starts idle_rear

Thank you guys it turns out it was the missing spot before Dex direction. Thank you @The_Saminator

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Another question though. This direction has the character moving individually how do I make them do it together?

If you want them to walk at the same time.

@TORI walks to spot 0.741 200 227 in zone 2 in 3 AND TORI faces left AND DEX walks to spot 0.799 153 203 in zone 2 in 3 AND DEX faces left THEN TORI starts idle_rear AND DEX starts holdwaist_give_start_rear


&TORI walks to spot 0.741 200 227 in zone 2 in 3 AND TORI faces left THEN TORI starts idle_rear
@DEX walks to spot 0.799 153 203 in zone 2 in 3 AND DEX faces left THENDEX starts holdwaist_give_start_rear

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