Transparent Characters!

So I’ve seen quite a few tutorials on how to make a character transparent but I’ve seen people have their transparent characters from the waist up, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to do that.

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Well, probably don’t make the whole background an overlay, just so it’s tall enough to be waist up - hard to explain! :sweat_smile:

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Just making the background overlay cover them from the waist up


this might help? The mirror reflerction is sctually transoarent character and oyu see him in mirror only waist up…

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I’m not exactly sure what you guys mean sorry for being slow LOL

Maybe be more specific in what you want?

Do you understand how to make character transparent?

When you want the character to be transparent to waist up… his lower part should be invisible or 100% vizible?

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lowerpart should be completely invisible and top part should transparent

and when you have seen the tutorials for how to make character transparent… do you understamd the principle?

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I have send you link to post where is the character as you describe it. There is full script for it including overlays… you can download them and copy the script to your portal to test it maybe do it will be more clear to you how it works?

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ok! thank you! But I don’t see the link?

:point_up_2:Its above the “mirror reflection spotting“

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oh ok! thank you lovely <33

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