Undiscovered Gems Thread

There are SOO many stories out there and honestly I love the undiscovered gems way more than the popular ones. So… post your stories below IF you have under 50k reads.

My story is called The Most Powerful Scream
Genre: Drama
Style: Ink
LInk: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4730912379633664
I’m open to read for reads, but DM me on here or on Instagram
My instagram is @cateyedgoddess_episode


Hey thanks for making this thread! Here’s my story details:

Title: Stuck in the Middle
Author: Steph
Style: Ink
Genre: Action/Comedy
Chapters: 7 (ongoing)
Description: Skyla is a graffiti artist on her own until she gets stuck in the middle of two rival gangs! Action, comedy, and a wee bit of romance. Can you handle all that?

Sounds interesting! Dm me if you want to do read for read :wink:

Here are my stories:

Title: Projection!
Author: Karlon Artis
Genre: Comedy
Style: Limelight
Description: Harry Stevens is looking for his big break in the world of musical theatre. But what will it take to get there?
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6046875219918848

Title: Publicity Problems
Author: Karlon Artis
Genre: Drama
Style: Limelight
Description: Samantha Xanders struggles with her fame after receiving unwanted publicity. Can she overcome the challenges of stardom?
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/46892222724177921

Instagram: @kartis.episode

Moved to Promote Your Story section! :v:t2:

Hello! I’d love to share my story with you, thank you for this opportunity! :heart: I’ll read yours as well :slight_smile:

You can also PM me screenshots (And I’ll send you screenshots as well) or we can DM on instagram :slight_smile:

Story title: Hollywood Bliss
Author: Danielle Cassidy
Genre: Romance (also a comedy)
Style: INK
Episodes: 4 (ongoing, 5 comming out soon!)
Story description: Sandy’s life turns wild when she becomes MC in a musical and her co-star is the most popular bad boy in Hollywood.

Story Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5341853550510080

Instagram: daniellecassidy.episode

Thanks in avance <3 :wink:

I would love to check out your story! If you need proof that I did in fact read your story I can direct message you on instagram! Here’s my story if you’re interested! Thanks in advance!

GENRE: Romance/Fantasy
STYLE: Limelight
EPISODES: 3 (Ongoing)
DESCRIPTION: A normal girl life turns upside down when a couple of gods ask her for help. Her objective is to return them to the heavens, but some obstacles may get in the way

Hi. I would love to check your story out.
Here are my story details:

Title: Mei
Author: Manna
Genre: Action/Mystery/Drama
Episodes: 4 published (on going)
Style: INK
Description: It was almost as if he was waiting for me to come to his rescue, a trap set for me. Instead he fell into mine…
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6274704344219648
Instagram: @manna.episode


Thank you for creating this thread.

1 Like



Hi! I am a new writer and recently published my story!
Read for read: Yes!
Review for Review: Yes!
Instagram: Jbrooke.episode
Story name: It’s complicated
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Description: Bryonie wants a happy life. A life she never got the chance of having. What will happen when everything goes tragically wrong? Will she get revenge and her happy life?
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/59038012031631361


you guys if you want to do a r4r please message me on Insta. I don’t look on the forums that often.

Closing due to one month of inactivity :slight_smile: