Unexpected garbage on music line

I’m usually pretty decent at catching errors while writing, but I can’t seem to figure this out. This is a snippet of what I have:

&ARRYAWN exits left AND MATEO walks to spot 1.459 -106 7 in zone 1
@transition fade out black
music off
&AIMON spot 0.227 95 442 in zone 2 AND AIMON faces right AND cut to zone 2 AND AIMON is talk_phone_neutral_loop
music ‌‌music_action_lp ‌
@transition fade in black

I have an error message that says “Unexpected garbage: the text on this line does not follow our formatting” on the line where it says “music music_action_lp”
I’ve tried to change the line of where the music starts, turn the previous music off a few lines before and change it to a whole different song. None of those work. It may be something very small that I’m missing, but I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while lol. Help me?


Hmm… What are the next few lines following this? Sometimes the error doesn’t show up at the right spot.

Here is the next few lines from the start of the scene:

&AIMON spot 0.227 95 442 in zone 2 AND AIMON faces right AND cut to zone 2 AND AIMON is talk_phone_neutral_loop
music ‌‌music_action_lp ‌
@transition fade in black
@ARRYAWN spot 1.731 166 -333 in zone 1 AND ARRYAWN faces left AND ARRYAWN is idle_rear AND MATEO spot 2.046 31 -421 in zone 1 AND MATEO faces left AND MATEO is idle_rear AND MATEO moves to layer 3 AND ARRYAWN moves to layer 2 AND AIMON moves to layer 1
@pause for 1
@pan to zone 1

    ARRYAWN (talk_neutral_loop_rear)
There he is.
Mr. suspicious.

&ARRYAWN is idle_rear

I copied it into my portal and it is definitely the music line causing issues, because the error goes away when it’s removed. I’m still trying to figure it out!

Edit: I have no idea why, but when I erase that line and then re-type it, selecting the music when it pops up, it works.


Put volume music 50 0 or any higher number…try that also instead of music off put volume music 0 1000 or you can put any seconds.

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Oh wow. I had only pasted the music, I hadn’t typed it but that actually worked! Thank you so much :smiley:

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