Unicorn's reviews (closed to catch up)

And here are my details as well :slight_smile:

My details:
My Story:
Author: May Laugh
Title: Trouble Twins
Instagram: maylaugh_episode
Genre: Adventure
Episodes : 8 (going on)
Style: Ink
Always standing up for each other through thick and thin, that is what these twins are all about. But can they really master every chaos together?
Link: [http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5334870588784640 ]

Small Cover:

Large COVER:

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Thank you so much xx This is really kind and helpful. x

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You are very welcome :slight_smile:
I hope a few others here are going to give your story a read as well… It also deserves attention!

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You’re honestly so kind xx

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I would love a review of my new story. Any and all feedback is welcome! :slight_smile:
I will also add your story to my favorites and give you feedback as well!
Here is the info:

Title: Dark Essence
Description: When the darkness inside threatens to break free & destroy everything you hold dear… Will you seek comfort in the ones you love or allow your Dark Essence to take over? (Lim CC)
Episodes: 3
Genre: Fantasy
Style: Limelight
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6025752143069184


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Here’s your review, @JannahJackson hope I was helpful x

  • The title sounds really unique and interesting.
  • I like the description, it’s detailed and intriguing.
  • The intro is really good and kind of mysterious but really creepy, also the directing is spot on.
  • No spelling errors so far.
  • This coding is good and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it.
  • I love the plot and diversity.
  • First impression: 9/10 Directing: 10/10 The characters: 9/10 Speech/grammar: 10/10
  • This story is a 10/10
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Thank youuuu!!! Oh what do you not feel quite right with the characters though? :hugs::grinning:

I just didn’t feel sorry for them or happy for them. xx But 9/10 is great.

oh lolll no worries. Im interested in your perspective hehe. You mean all of the characters?

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No just a few xx

I am sorry i just now saw that it is closed. I am not in a rush. you can do mine after u catch up i wish.But I have recently revamped. I would love some review about it.

  • Title: Black hearts Golden desires
  • Author: Madhu
  • Chapters: 6
  • Description: Nand , a sorcerer princess of Solataria has two beautiful loving sisters, her other two halves. But what will happen if it becomes the vice versa and an old enemy arises back for revenge? Will Nand be able to overcome it ? Or will she fail?

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