Unpopular Opinions: Episode Edition! đŸ’«

Sending a bad message to young girls is telling them that there’s only one option in life. Welcome to reality where everyone doesn’t want to or have to be married. Children grow up fine in all types of family dynamics regardless of their relationship status. Some women don’t even have partners, but go to sperm banks and raise a child alone. There literally isn’t one end all be all family structure. Once again welcome to reality.


exactly ! :clap:


I know, but that’s the tradition. Many people still live by that tradition in today’s world.

However, I can see where you are coming from. Some women do not have any intentions on getting married during their life, but they don’t want children. I just feel like waiting to till marriage to have children is the right thing to do. No harm in that :slight_smile:

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A lot of these comments are judgy. I thought this thread was about “unpopular opinions on episode.”

So somebody who has kids and isn’t married is improper? Is that what you’re saying?
Not everybody is fortunate enough to have kids and is able to get married.
What about the women or the men that want to raise a child ALONE without a partner?

This statement is lol :woman_facepalming:t4:
One example of a bad message would be saying “have sex but don’t use condoms.”

Marriage is a choice.
It’s not an obligation.

People shouldn’t be judge because they choose to have a baby without being married.

 I thought this thread was about episode.


My comments were a bit off topic, but we were basically saying that we would like to see stories where a girl waits till marriage to have children. We want to see that tradition incorporated in some stories. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it :woman_shrugging:t4: I understand that not everybody will agree with it, so therefore, they won’t incorporate or write about it in their story.

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I know what you were saying. It’s how you were saying it. It was coming off as judgmental.
I don’t know if you’re doing it intentionally or not. (Being judgemental I mean.)

A lot of episode stories have “traditional” families you just have to dig deep to find them.
Also if you want to see this. Why don’t you write about it yourself? “Make a difference” since you don’t want to see ‘improper families’ lol.

How do you know this though? This is just you assuming.

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I’m not being judgmental at all. Most people don’t agree with girls wanting till marriage to have children; from experience I know. It’s the traditional way, and some people don’t like it.

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I think most people don’t have a problem with women having children before marriage. But they have a problem with the amount of Episode stories in which teenage girls have sex without using protection and therefore they get pregnant. This is the bad message, at least in my opinion.


That’s basically what I mean, but in short. I do agree that it is a bad message in stories that portray that/

I wasn’t getting mad at an unpopular opinion. I was getting annoyed at the judgment being thrown on this thread. :relaxed:


Well, I don’t think we have the same opinion. You said girls should wait till marriage but I don’t see what is wrong with living in a loving relationship and having kids without the paper.


Ohh okay.

Lets be real
80% of stories have the girl knocked up by some one night stand/or cuz there so in luv but dont even know the guy(or met ppl tht matter to him)

As if thts a “good message to send to girls”

Rarely do characters get married then have kids in episodes. And most stories only have babies as a drama(so u can find who the dad is or so the baby can get stolen
) 99% of the time the babies only shown in a few scenes before the MC is actin like she doesnt have kids

Theres nothing wrong wth wanting to wait till marriage or have kids after ur married.

Id rather the characters know each other if ur going for a kid route.
Not “this mans so hawt
i cant control myself”
(MCs pregnant)
Ll: “btw babe
im the leader of a mafia organization and our daughters gonna need to take over the buissness”
MC: omg
why didnt u tell me
jerk(runs cries)

Why didnt u two date instead of having a fling/kids


I think this it what @LiyahxWrites was saying though.

There’s nothing wrong with tradition, but what’s wrong with having a fling or having kids at a young age?

This is where some comments go into slut-shaming territory.

I will say though, that I don’t like pregnancy storylines, mainly because they’re so cliched, predictable and not an accurate portrayal of pregnancy.

The true problem I think, is that authors are willing to forsake a conversation about protection and contraceptives so they can get reads.


U really dont want my opinion on wats wrong wth flings or having kids at the age these characters are or “slut shaming”

I was just putting my 2 cents in my comment did refer to anyone

Hey, there’s really no need to be hostile.

I just assumed you were indirectly commenting towards her because you said your comment following a discussion about the topic.

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Im not being hostile this is my general tone. And nope just random post regarding the topic

I see what you’re saying :100: I completely understand where you’re coming from.

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Thank you so much