Unpopular Opinions!

lol, I’ll have to try that.


Oh! But she’s a badass anyway.

  • The Shining and Halloween are two of the best, most iconic horror movies ever
  • Takis are gross tbh
  • Anything lime or green apple flavored is :nauseated_face:
  • Waffles > pancakes
  • Fall really is the best season :fallen_leaf:
  • White chocolate is sacrilegious
  • Pistachio is the superior ice cream/frozen yogurt flavor
  • left handed people > right handed people lol (is anyone else here a leftie? :raising_hand_woman:)

Yo I’m a leftie
And I agree with the first, fourth, and fifth one.


Another one

  • The metoo movement is sexist.

I’m gonna try that

  • Coconut ice cream is the best ever
  • Marriage is overrated
  • Disney princess movies are overrated
  • The Canadian prime minister is an absolute dime
  • Selena Gomez hasn’t put out a bop since the Wizards of Waverly Place theme song
  • I lowkey love mumble rap
  • Complaining about school seems ungrateful to me; the opportunity for free education is invaluable and shouldn’t be taken for granted
  • Listening to podcasts > listening to music

Ultraviolence is a better album than Born To Die.

lana stans, don’t kill me


I think it depends.
It’s not the movement, it’s some of the people.
For example, I agree about feminism- as in, men are equal to women. THAT’S IT.
I think the problem is some people over think it and their support ends up being men should be inferior to women.
I don’t know, just my opinion.
Plus there was a lot of Hollywood scandals last/this year, so I think that’s what started it.

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Originally, it was supposed to be for women coming out with their stories about sex crimes. Then Hollywood got involved, and fucked up everything. Now it’s turned into some witch hunt for powerful, rich men. Of course, I don’t support sex offenders. Ever. But what about molestation, female genital mutilation, no access to sex education, or prostitution? Those are sex crimes, too. But no, they decide to focus on sex assualt, rape, and harassment. It happens to men as well.

This is a lesson I’ve seen:

“If you’re a rich and powerful man, WATCH OUT! You may get hit with every woman’s favorite accusation…”

“Sexual harassment!”


I agree with you completely. However, I’m only pointing out it’s how people who perceive the movement.

But #MeToo isn’t a gendered term. It’s not #SheToo or #HeToo; it’s anyone who’s been a victim of sexual misconduct. There’s nothing stopping men from sharing their #MeToo stories. In fact, many of them have: Brendan Fraser, Terry Crews, Tyler Perry, etc.


Yeah, I agree.

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That’s very true. But it’s becoming one, from what I see.


i’m glad i found this thread!! can’t wait to spill lol

  • jpop is underrated. it’s less popular than you would expect. i’m not talking just about hatsune miku, but groups like morning musume, perfume, polkadot stingray, the love live seiyuus, and even the older 80s jpop singers like mariya takeuchi. i discovered a lot of heavenly jpop songs to listen to over the summer and i might even say i love it more than kpop (sorry, astro)

  • i don’t really think people should be famous for lip syncing and positioning their camera while gucci gang plays in the background, but musical.ly isn’t all that bad. it’s usually a harmless app. i won’t lie and say it’s not cringey or weird sometimes, but man… let people have a bit of fun

  • spiders aren’t that scary, you guys are just mean :_(

  • attacking people for wearing a maga cap and defacing trump’s star are really pointless (and rude) things to do. people say that wrecking his star was a statement, but is it really a statement if trump himself is chillin in his tower, drinking a piña colada while an underpaid worker is forced to clean the mess up for him? i don’t like trump either, but going out of your way to start fights with any republican you see just gives us all a bad name. if you really want to have your voice be heard, do something to actually help the causes you’re concerned about. hurting :clap:t4: innocent :clap:t4: people :clap:t4: won’t :clap:t4: do :clap:t4: anything :clap:t4:

  • niche memes aren’t memes. i do think some of them are very pretty, but they’re not memes if there’s nothing to laugh about. i don’t know, but i don’t think someone’s lululemon haul is all that funny. i also hate those “if an avocado was a real person1!!!11!!” niche posts that always throw in being bisexual or gay as a cute lil quirk, but i won’t get into that here… i can’t get too heated lol

  • i like chocolate by itself, but chocolate ice cream is gross

  • we still need feminism. it’s unfair to say that feminism is pointless when there are still countries that treat their women like it’s america in the 1910s. feminism in privileged countries can also be important in raising awareness about sexism and other issues in different places. i do think that feminism has turned into something nasty here in the states; people are more angry about shaving leg hair than notorious sex trafficking industries, but feminism shouldn’t die out, it should be changed so that it can go back to being meaningful, inclusive, and supportive again.

  • people are too hard on billie eilish. yes, she can be cringey, and yes she has said very concerning things, but she’s still sixteen. i bet if i mentioned being sixteen to an adult, some might cringe and look back on all the embarrassing things they said and did. she’s still young and exposed to a lot of fame too quickly. give her time to grow and mature. she doesn’t seem like an evil person, and her music is nice (i like falling asleep to it sometimes lol)

  • not all twitter tutorial threads are pointless and dumb. i still wanna to delete all the “how to cure depression and anxiety!21!1!1” threads from existence, but i actually think some twitter threads can be helpful. i’ve found some good ones on makeup, places to buy clothes, which businesses hire which ages, diy face masks/scrubs, etc. i feel like these twitter threads are just the second coming of the 2013 tutorial accounts on instagram. tutorials like these have always been around, so i don’t see why the twitter threads are getting targeted

  • slime isn’t that satisfying. it’s fun to play with and make, but it doesn’t really satisfy me, even though i’m sensitive and have extreme asmr

  • pineapple on pizza is good.


Ok, I want in on this.

  1. Hard pretzels suck! I don’t care how good they taste. They make too much @&#$% noise.

  2. My feet are adorable.

  3. Rum raisin ice cream is icky.

  4. “Gift” is not a verb, it is a noun. The verb form is “to give.”

  5. Root beer is way better than any alcoholic beer.

  • Kettle corn is honestly kind of gross
  • CHEESE POPCORN, on the other hand, is where the eff it’s at, my friends!!!
  • hot coffee > iced coffee (i think someone might’ve already said this lol, but it’s so true)
  • I feel like the moose is a very underrated animal
  • There’s nothing more satisfying than peeling your skin off after a brutal sunburn
  • hazelnuts are so nasty. granted, i think i might allergic to them? but even if i wasn’t, i’d still find them gross af lmao
  • taro is the best boba flavor :purple_heart:

Okay so what I’m about to say may cause some people to get mad but I have to say this. But I don’t think this is such an unpopular opinion but here goes nothing. If you disagree you can tell me and give me your reasons why but don’t come and start swearing at and being totally rude because I don’t like that.

read at your own risk

I’m gonna try make this as short and sweet as possible.

So basically there’s some videos I’ve watched and in the description I’ve seen people use the excuse," I don’t support gays, lesbians or lgbtq+ because I’m a Christian." But that isn’t an excuse. Maybe some people want to use this because they don’t know of any other reason why not to accept lgbtq+ or some silly excuse. But it’s a lie. I’m a Christian myself and I do support lgbtq+ no one even said there was no Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve. God never said it was wrong (correct me if I’m wrong - I haven’t read the whole bible.). Adam and Eve was the original way but people changed this and that is absolutely fine. You can love who you want as long as they make you happy and safe. Also God loves you no matter what A.K.A unconditional love.

So the opinion," all christians don’t support lgbtq." Is a lie or some fake shit.

(If you’re not a Christian or religious and think all christians don’t like lgbtq, it’s only some not all.)

If this offends you I’m truely sorry. Disagreeing with me is totally fine too.


Oreos are disgusting :nauseated_face::woman_shrugging:t4:


A friend of mine recommended The Get Down, I haven’t seen it yet though. But I get the vibe that I should? haha

  • I don’t like Stranger Things

  • Most pop music hits are extremely terrible

  • People make way too big deals out of any little things that happen in celebrities’ lives

  • Bananas are awful

  • People whine too much about spiders (just use a tissue to pick it up and then flush it in the toilet, my dad taught me this like 10 years ago)

  • Women don’t always know how to treat their boyfriends fairly

  • Women make unfair assumptions about men and make them look really bad when talking about them