Update message and passes refill error/glitch

I started getting notifications asking me to update my app but when I go to play store it says I’m using the latest version and also I’ve reinstalled it 3 times still nothing works.Another problem I’m unable to watch ads for passes refill and earning shards in exchange of gems :gem:.Am I the only one? I’ve sent support ticket and the reply I received is, if my device is rooted or not and the funny thing is I don’t even know what device being rooted means :sweat_smile::slightly_smiling_face::sneezing_face::broken_heart:


If you have a android, it may not have released for you yet

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So android users are the last to receive updates :confused:

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Tbh usually


Damn :sweat_smile::upside_down_face:

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you’re not the only one tho :grinning:

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You are not the only one, I have spent almost a week without the app telling me about the most recent update.:sob: Right now I’m hating having Android.:face_with_thermometer:

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This is the reply I received this morning and now I’m more confused than ever