Uploading overlays

Sorry if I did this wrong (I don’t think I’ve ever posted before - or if I have it was a long time ago). But, my overlay won’t upload even though it’s under 1MB.

Try out this. I think that episode probably rounded it up because your’s is right on the limit, so maybe give this a go?

Thanks, I’ll try it. :grin:

Hi everyone say maybe you upload a overlay
Should one include credits or not? If you got it from internet

Thanks in advance

If you got it from a free website, such as Pixabay or Unsplash there is no need. If you got it from another creator on the forums or Instagram, check their terms and conditions. Most of them will want you to credit them in the form of a Reader Message or end credits.

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Thank you!
Pixaby is a software right?

It’s a free stock image website :slight_smile:

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