Using 'gain' in a new episode?


In my last episode at the end I gave the readers the option to have a tour with one of 2 male characters or go by themselves. Now I can’t remember how to remember the choice in the next episode. I’ll add in a snippet of the choices.

“I would love a tour”{

gain tour_noah

“I’ll just have a look myself”{

gain explore

“I would love a tour”{

gain tour_leo

“I’ll just have a look myself”{

gain explore

Now how would I start the next chapter to remember the choice? I know I can use labels but only if the label is in the same episode as the choice…
If any of this makes sense…

Thanks in advance.

Use the if/else method.

Then inside the brackets of the if/else branches use goto label

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if (tour_noah) {

*insert story where you explore with Noah here*

} elif (tour_leo) {

*insert story where you explore with Leo here*

} else {

*insert story where you explore by yourself here*


*continue story after exploring with your love interest/by yourself here*

Is this what you were trying to do?

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perfect thank you!

thank you :smiley:

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