DARA’S GUIDE: Remember Choices with if/elif/else

Her problem was already solved. But you can have an option next to a curly bracket (the way she had it) or on the next line, either one works fine.

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Thank you so much for helping me Dara! :slight_smile:

Hi Dara. Do you know if a reader’s gains are wiped from a chapter if they are forced to re-read it? Because if it remembers, and then they choose a different option, it’s going to cause all sorts of problems :persevere:

Yes everything gets reset when you update a chapter and readers are forced to replay

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I’m having problems with my labels. I tried following your examples but it does not appear to be working. I believe I am doing something wrong, but can’t figure it out. I have uploaded a copy of my script.

The first option right after the word choice does not need a bracket before it. Only the options after the first one needs to have a bracket before it

"Option 1" {

} “Option 2” {

} “Option 3” {


So remove those } in front of the “yes” options.

Thanks for getting back with me so quickly. So I removed those } from “yes”. However, I’m still getting the same error.

Remove the bracket in front of “Sleep 2”

@Kiryuu no no no don’t remove that bracket. Leave it there. There are other brackets that you need to remove which I will show you in just a minute.

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Remove those closing brackets } on lines 623 and 640 that are right after “@/MIKA walks to screen center” (and also the one for “sleep 3” if you have a 3rd option). Those brackets do not need to be there. The bracket in front of “Sleep 2” is what closes off the choice for “Sleep 1”

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Thanks Dara! You’re awesome! So, I got those fixed but now it says this?

You need 1 more closing bracket on line 667 to close off “Sleep 3”

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Yay!! Thanks so much! My head feels a bit better.

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I have gone through all the comments and I thought I have followed the instructions perfectly but I keep getting an error. I am unsure why? Can anyone help me please? :smile:

Never mind! I found my issue! :see_no_evil:

omg helped so much! I tried with the if/elif/else thhing for outfits, but now i get it

Hi i am needing help with remembering a choice.
I have tried a few things but nothing will work.
I want the reader to decide weather or not to change one of the characters,
SO…if they say YES i want it to go to the dressing game.
IF NOT I want it to continue to the next part of the story

I have seen it done before in other stories to.

Wait would you like to change how Maddy looks?

“Yes, change her look”{
Sure thing.
}"No, she looks "{
Ok lets continue then.


I have figured it out. If anyone is interested and diddn’t know how…

Wait would you like to change how Maddy looks?

“Yes, change her look”{
Sure thing.
goto label female_1
}“No, she looks hot!”{
Ok lets continue then.
goto label female_1_end
label female_1

What’s the difference between a label and a gain?

A label is a place in the script that you can set a label to so that you can use a “goto” to go back to that part of the script.

A gain is something you use to help remember certain choices that were made.