Violet's Review Thread! (OPEN)

Hey guys! My name is Violet. I am so so so so SO excited, as I just bought the unlimited pass thing so you know what that means… REVIEW TIME! I will review up to 3 chapters!! :open_mouth: But first you will have to fill out this form:

Author Name:
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?:
In PMS or On here?:

I am going to go by an online found rubric, and I will score it from there. Thanks!

Waiting List:


I would love to!

Genre: Adventure/Fantasy/Comedy (If that makes sense)
Title: Save Me, Hero!
Author: Turtle Cat!
If you could, please review all 3 chapters. And can you give the review through pm? Thank you!

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Hey. I’d love for you to please review my story. :smile:

Title: Soccer Moms: Blast to the Future
Author Name: Winter05 with Episode Royalty (@WinterMoon05 & @loversdelight - @Episode-Royalty)
Episodes: 6 [COMPLETE]
Style: INK
Genre: Drama
Story Description: All it takes is one shot to change your whole life. Win or lose, nothing will ever be the same.
Instagram Names: @winter05.episode with @penroyalty
Story Link:


Author Name on App: J.Jackson * Writer*
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Mystery/Thriller/Horror
Title: Tribe of Malapinchi
How Many Chapters to Read: 3 but if you like all 5.
On here is fine :smiley:

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For some reason I have already read it??

I guess I’ve read it before

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I reviewed yours a while back.

Well thanks again for the review a while back.

haha lmao

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Read as much as you can!![Untitled29-3|355x500](upload://dI0sJKdij4MB8Gl0ztDoJj76DGK.jpeg)

Author Name: Karlon Artis
Genre: Comedy
Title: Capture the Moment
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?: 3
In PMS or On here?: PM

Yes, please :slight_smile: You can post here, idm.

Title: CYBER
Author: Vivi
Style: Limelight
Genre: Fantasy, Action
Chapters: 4 (ongoing)
Description: You are a gamer with no life. Harsh, but true. With a tournament coming up in your favorite VR game to play, CYBER, who knows what will happen? |CC|

Hey, I would love a review.:slight_smile:

Hi! :blush:
How many chapters would you like me to read?: at least 4
In PMS or On here?: here
Title : “Once Upon A Time…”
Genre : Romance
Author: Manuela M.
Author IG: manuelam.episode
Description : Ella’s a girl who loves having fun with her friends and doesn’t want serious relationships after her ex cheated on her. But what will happen when she finds herself betrothed to the king of the kingdom in which her mother sent her?

Author Name: Molly
Genre: Romance
Title: Tied Together
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?: 3
In PMS or On here?: Here

Author Name: Jessy
Genre: Romance
Title: Sentimental Heartache
Description: After Arianna “coincidentally” meets Lucas, they start talking to each other more frequently. Soon enough, they realize that the more they talk, the more they fall.
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?: Preferably 5, but 3 is fine.
In PMS or On here?: PMS
Cover: (Not uploaded on the story yet)

Author Name: Molly
Genre: Romance
Title: Tied Together
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?: 3
In PMS or On here: Pms

[quote=“Addivi101, post:1, topic:151997”]
I would love if you would review my story

Author Name: Cat Danois
Genre: Drama
Title: Every family has it’s secrets
I would like you to du 3 chapters or more :slight_smile:
You can just give me the review here.
Thank you so much! :heart:

My story:


Author Name: exiemack
Genre: romance/fantasy
Title: The Timekeeper’s Door
How Many Chapters would you like me to read?: 5
In PMS or On here?: on here

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