Want to start a art thread/group

That’s okay. And make sure you say what you are good at so I can figure out art thread and group

Its at the end of my thing! Sorry if ya didn’t see it!

@Ana.Louise please fill out the form and tagged people to join

Oh i didn’t even ask… would we help the community with cover or splashes or just share art work?

Covers and splashes and other things when we find some people to join

Oh ok jw

@Lina_A please fill out the form. Thank you for joining :sparkling_heart:

Forum Name: naomiclark
How active are you: Quite active.
What’s your time zone: GMT
What do you like to be called: Naomi


Will you cause drama?: Nope
Instagram name: @naomiepisode
Are you committed: Yes!!
What are you good at: Splashes & Covers

Thank you💖

No problem !

And if you want to tagged people that you know would want to join. Go ahead.

Forum name: epy.bhaddie
Almost active all the time :joy:
EST :hot_face:
I’d like to Be called bhaddie since I’m known by that name
I won’t cause drama :slight_smile:
Insta name: @dx_bhxddie
Yeah I’m committed
I’m pretty good at like doing covers, art scenes character edits, art scenes, outlines, and directing tips.
Here’s some examples of my work

Sorry the last few are a little old :joy:

No, that’s okay. It looks amazing. You are so good at making art.

Haha thank you sm♥️

No problem, if you want to tagged people to join, that would be good because we need a few members to start planning the thread😊

Ofc girl I’ll see some people who might wanna join


Looks good

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Forum Name: Lina.A
How active are you: I am on the episode website about six times a week. It all depends on much school I have to do.
What’s your time zone: Eastern Standard Time
What do you like to be called: Lina
Will you cause drama: Nope :joy:
Instagram name so we can start a group chat: lina_4_life
Are you committed:Yeah i’m committed
What are you good at: I’m pretty good at making splashes, characteredits, and directing tips. Other skills are being developed.

Wtf? The last one is my splash

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