Weird glitch while removing character?

So with the overlay rotating it will rotate for 6 seconds before character is removed. Not sure if that’s the problem :thinking:
&overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 1.5 loop 3 times
@pause for 6
@remove CHARACTER AND overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE opacity 0 in 0.5

The remove command won’t happen until the overlay has finished rotating if you use the @

Even if I use the & instead of the @, there’s still no change when the character get removed. It still takes 3-4 seconds.


I used:

@pause for a beat

@CHARM BARLOW starts raisehand_neutral

&overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE rotates 10 anchor point 0.5 0.5

&overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE shifts to 141 259 in 0
&overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE opacity 1 in 0
&overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 1.5 loop 3 times
@pause for 1
&remove CHARM BARLOW AND overlay BLUE MAGIC CIRCLE opacity 0 in 0.5

@pause for 2

And everything gets removed on time, the overlay rotates on its spot and you helped me a lot with this so I really want to thank you!

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Ooh fab I’m glad it’s sorted now :grin: you’re most welcome :kissing_heart:

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