What Are The Do's and Don'ts Of Representing A ED in a Episode Story?

@Allie_Diamond_Epy this is great advice!! just taggin so u can see it :purple_heart:

also i would like to add that boys can also have eating disorders its just less common


while all of this is very helpful advice, i do worry that this sort of a topic would not be allowed in an episode story. this stuff is super triggering and has caused me lots of relapses in the past… and although i have since recovered from my ED, i would find it sort of offensive if it was not written by someone who has personally had one or is currently struggling. it would seriously rub me the wrong way because those who have not had or struggled with an ED cannot possibly understand the suffering. it will almost always be misrepresented if you’ve never struggled with an ED. i hope that all makes sense. just… tread lightly and remember that episode may not be the best place for this sort of writing


Yeah I am so sorry. I should have used another pronoun.

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It’s not going to be anything major to the plot, just something the character has to overcome, and I plan on doing a lot of research, and the eating disorder isn’t gonna be about looking good.

I watched a good series on netflix called insatiable and its about a teen girl that does beauty pagents and has an Ed. The story itself is really good and interesting but it also shows how destructive an unhealthy relationship with food can be! :blob_sun: :blob_hearts:

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