What are your pet peeves that really annoy you?

people coming in my room and not closing the door after they leave (it only takes a second to close a flipping door, it’s honestly so annoying :skull:)


ur so lucky u dont know them but anyone can go through stress. like school, students shouldnt have to stress over turning in assignments on time or about exams, like kids should just be kids.


They are one of the most evil people in the world. :unamused: If you opened the door you can close it, that simple. :unamused:


Oh, I just found another pet peeve of mine! It’s when my family members burst into my room without saying anything or knocking (whether it’s my mom coming in while I’m sleeping and she suddenly turns on the light, or my brother pushing the door in at anytime because he’s an impolite *sshole).


That reminds me of one of my pet peeves which is my brother turning off every light. Like I am on the toilet and he knows I am in the bathroom and he turns the bathroom light off or when I am doing something that requires light he just turns it off. Like there is saving power but I know that he is just doing it to p*ss me off. :unamused:


Brothers, am I right? :laughing:


Yeah, he does it to everyone so my sister tried to get revenge by turning the bathroom light off on him but it came back to haunt me instead because he couldn’t aim in the dark. So I sat on a wet toilet seat and realised what it was after, I should have looked first. :joy:


Oh wow! :rofl:

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Does anyone else see the difference between a republican and a trump supporter? Like I feel like republicans are just people who believe in a conservative ideology. If it’s not accomplished in the political world, they kind of just go back to their regular life. I feel like a republican would give me a genuine answer as to why they are a republicans through economic or political proof. And apparently some republicans don’t actually like trump just the ideology surrounding it. They are able to adapt to the modern world where society has change for the better but trump supporters are the opposite. Trump supporters literally want to live like it was the 1900’s century and let slavery happen again. They want to basically abolish any rights for women and they are completely homophobic. Like if you don’t agree with the LGBTQ community that’s fine but at the end of the day, they are humans with feelings and they must be respected as humans. Like if someone came up to me and said they are a republican, I would ask why and let them explain their reasoning respectfully but trump supporters are so scary. Like as a black person, I get really uncomfortable and scared. I feel like they would shoot me :no_mouth: Plus if you ask a trump supporter why they like Trump, they will not give you an answer. They basically say they love trump over and over again. Plus they base their whole personality around Trump. Like people, this is not a fan base! :roll_eyes: :raised_back_of_hand:I don’t even know if that makes sense but yeah…


Native American, Black, White, Asian

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People who use religion in general to justify homophobia, misogyny, racism etc


Exactly. Though you got the time period wrong, it was the 1800s that slavery existed, and the 1900s segregation.


General pet-peeves:

  • People sneezing into their hands
  • People not wearing their mask over their nose
  • People

I have a pretty weird pet peeve most people don’t have.

  • When the driver taps on the steering wheel. Like when they go with the music or just in general it gets me SO mad and annoyed for literally no reason.

Yeah, it’s not that hard to wear a mask over your nose and I think a lot of people can agree on that last one (I know I can). :joy:


My dad does that all the time but what is worse is the weird noises he makes when driving on long journeys. He says he does it to keep him awake but it is so annoying to me. :unamused:


I hate it when I send a long paragragh to a significant other and all they send back is k. That realllllllllyyy makes me mad!


I don’t know about significant other, but I do have friends and family who are like that, it’s like did you even read my message when they send some one word reply but then again long replys can be annoying I guess. For example when my dad wants to say that he is five minutes away he will make it into a whole a*s essay and even puts regards (his name) after it. Like excuse me I am your daughter I don’t need that and he does it in comments to, really annoys me. But if it is to a significant other and you are pouring your heart out or trying to make sure they are ok then it would be hella annoying. :unamused:

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Pleasee this is so funny :raised_back_of_hand: :sob: I get why tho!!


Same, especially people!

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