What are your pet peeves while reading episode stories?

I can’t recall the amount of times I have seen this generic dialogue… it’s so touching when you’re not the only one :pleading_face:


I so agree which is why in my story the LI and MC already like each other but it was what they assumed were just a lil crush they would grow out of and the they thought the MC’s older sis wouldn’t approve so they never acted on those feelings. I don’t understand how they can just never notice each other then suddenly they have just idk been put under a spell or sum like what?


I also hate, in romance stories, the the LI is a complete jerk.
I get that they could have a cold exterior, but being a bully then being idolized for that is not right!


Right like I’m not gonna date a jerk like why would I wanna be with someone who bullies people for no reason like child-


I hate when in romance stories the MC is a home wrecker like the LI already has a gf and then leaves her for the MC because their “in love” like what


My MC and her first LI are bestfriends for 10+ years. Then my MC walks past the second LI and doesn’t even notice him.
She’s at work.
It’s unrealistic that she’d stop what she’s doing to check him out. :rofl:


Like he bullied the MC because the MC was “fat” in High School but when the MC loses weight, all of a sudden he’s Mr. Perfect, THEN the mc gets with him.


OMIGOSH yes! I honestly hate that so much

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I’ve said this before, but I truly hate it so I’ll say it again.
When the author just puts customization in the first episode. Sometimes they put like 3 templates and say it’s too many lines, and I get so annoyed! Like no, it’s not! I have 3 cc templates in my 1st episode, and it’s not too many lines! Or they make me customize my LI’s mom’s, sisters, husbands, best friends, family who isn’t even important to the story! People assume I will immediatley read the second one even though I’m not hooked on the first one at.all. It makes me take that story out of my favorites and go find another one, because I’m not going to spend another pass when I have no idea if the stories for me or not. It also just makes you think the other episodes will be like this and I don’t want to read that. It’s not going to hurt to have one less chapter so you can put some scenes in the first one, because even if you don’t have a perfect 50, you’re going to get a lot more reads.


IK! And it’s choose your own path, but because I don’t have gems my MC is stuck as the girl who makes stupid choices.

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The example doe-:sob::raised_hand:t5:


I hate a story when it’s like episode 4 and the mc and love Interest are already dating. It’s just not realistic I get it you don’t want your story to take long but bring in love so fast makes me want to click off the story. I like when a story builds up the romance so when they date it’s a surprise and not so quick.


:rofl: :rofl:It was the first thing that came to mind

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One of mine is when speech bubbles are not directed properly, as in: they are pointed at one character when another is speaking.


comedy stories with excessive use of slang or “quirky” humor bleh


I am doing it my grammar program I use always correct it, but it’s so hard for me be because I is also used in my language and there it is not capitalized.

though it actually means the opposite, the Danish i means they or in.

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Bad directing, terrible grammar and glitchy overlays lol. :laughing:

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I am a picky reader as well😅

  1. When the author excessively cuts to one person to another as “comedy” One scene with this is fine, however when they cut back and fourth for a whole ten seconds and then do it AGAIN I do get peeved.

  2. The Mc or Li falling too fast for each other :roll_eyes: The only acceptable scenario I can think of is if they were best friends. But I’m thinking of the two characters being strangers and then falling for each other.

  3. This is small because it usually doesn’t happen, but when there are like 3 options for clothing and all of them are ugly😥

Last one lol

POOR LAYERING SKILLS :hot_face::hot_face: that one really gets me


I hate when that happens its litarraly so easy to do, and take no time to do, I remeber when I started on episode and we didn’t have the portal view of the code and we had to read it on the phone then tast it in, back then was a nightmare, people have no excuse now to fix the speechbubbels


I wouldn’t say I’m that much of a picky reader. As long as the plot flows and the characters are likeable that’s fine. But I do have quite a few things that turn me off.

  • That “love at first sight bs” where there’s this whole essay about how hot the person is and how the MC has fallen straight for them. It’s extremely unrealistic and cliche and stories like that turn me off because I like to see the realtionship GROW as they turn from enemies to lovers or from best friend to lovers.

  • When the LI is a COMPLETE DICK, like no questions asked. Their only excuse is because they have a “traumatic past” and so have the right to be a j3rk to everyone like no baby that’s not how it works. Guys who are nice to the MC from the start need a lot more recognition rather than the bad boys who hate the MC then get jealous because her classmate spoke to her.

  • Okay I think this one is an unpopular opinion but pacing is everything. I hate it when a few episodes are in and you already kissed the LI, but I also hate it when there’s wayyy too much slowburn like its episode 83 and the MC hasn’t even gone on a date with the LI. It needs to be realistic or else it gets boring and unentertaining.