What are your pet peeves while reading episode stories?


And the golden/nice guys are all praticing saying sweet nothings to the nice shy girls


NOOOSKSKSK :sob: :sob: :joy:

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Especially with the your/you’re and the there/they’re/their
I HATE grammatical errors, and it makes it so much worse when it’s in the description


Woah dude. Off topic they’re so beautiful tho
But I agree. I’ve seen it happen before

Yup! If there is a mistake in the description, I don’t want to read it!

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I’m not a fan of gem choices. Ew. No.


thank god for this thread because i need to rant about this for a moment. i am so so so tired of lack of diversity in stories. it’s 2020. you have a range of skin tones, hair styles, and eye, nose, lip and body shapes to choose from to make your characters as diverse as possible, yet there are still people who don’t take advantage of this and make their mcs all white and skinny.

even worse when they allow customization for everything but the skin tone when it’s not important and/or mentioned in the story. plus they try to play that “i never said they were white!!!” bs when people call them out for it in fanmail. BITCH… you know that your characters with the rose 01 skin tone and blue eyes aren’t anything BUT white… stop playing dumb. you know exactly what you’re doing. making one side character a ginger isn’t good diversity.

what also annoys me is the bitchy mc who has a superiority complex and is so so so different from the other girls. you know because the author will say it dozen times and to prove their point, this girl only wears chapstick and mascara because makeup is what the other girls wear, therefore it’s bad, because all girls are bad expect for the heaven sent mc. the other girls are hoes and li can’t help but fall for her because she’s so so beautiful and different.


or when the only diversity they have is the stereotypical types
black best friend
smart asian
yknow what i mean like come onnnn
do. better.


Grates my nerves especially looking for a story and its FULL CC(afro hairstyles/textures too) BUT MC is hella white and theres no reason for it its not plot specfiic or any excuse STOP THIS

Also stop art scenes where I make my MC Black and then u say dont change anything cuz overlays wont match/MC needs to look a certain way =_=


i actually like customizing everyone :joy: :joy:


OMG YES, so cliche I always shove my phone to the side and tap fast so I can avoid that type of scene.

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Characters deserve personalities beyond overused tropes and stereotypes.


why do stories which contain most of the pet peeves mentioned above have the most reads tho- 🥲

anyways, my pet peeves:

➛ unrealistic dialogues
➛ the highschool cliche “btw there’s a party upcoming, dress seggsy hehe”
➛ ink or classic style: idk i just like LL :cowboy_hat_face:
➛ poor grammar :>
➛ the “strong” MC who’s just unnecessarily rude to others.
➛ black characters with light lips-
➛ filler dialogues. these aren’t exactly pet peeves but when a whole chapter is filled with fillers- no😃
➛ info dumps- when the first chapter is just the MC telling her biography.
➛ the MC who’s :sparkles:not like the other girls :sparkles: becuz she didn’t show interest in the LI in the beginning so he takes it as a challenge.
➛ long transitionsssss
➛ the extroverted fashionable gay bestie
➛ the typical supporting bestie who doesn’t have a life of her own.
➛ abbreviations in dialogues- i dont mean company names and stuff. i mean who says “wtf idk wym” in real life💀
➛ art scenes- these r not annoying but when they keep one art scene on the screen and give longgggg descriptions about their kiss… :hammer_and_pick:


DANG IT MY FAVORITE STORY I’VE EVER MADE IS IN INK :sob: this is a complete sentence


i mean i’d read ink stories if the storyline is awesome but like in general- i prefer limelight :"D


Author: uses s*xual assault as a plot moving device:


I hate how in Episode Originals they hype up how great something will be, and then the side character gets all excited…and that’s how you know it’s a gem choice. If it’s clothing, the side character goes, “You’re wearing THAT!?” as though it’s a literal trash bag and not a t-shirt, or they just look all sad and you want to yeet them. If it’s an experience, they’re like, “Oh, ok,” which is probably better…but sometimes it’s either “go help that person/do something nice for them!” or just be a jerk and go “Nevermind.” I suppose kindness does come with a price tag, eh?


EW bro I hate that. I’m abt to rant also.

I know exactly how you feel about characters who are specifically made to be white, and then they never add any diversity. And then the time when they do add diversity, it’s a stereotype. When making a character who is a person of color, you have to understand that it’s not just changing the skin color to copper 8 and calling it a day. What changes is the way society acts towards them, how they are affected by everyday life, how non-people of color treat them, and all of that.

And I also get what you meant when you said that the main character is specifically labeled as the classic “not like other girls because I don’t wear make-up and girly clothes” girl. I HATE it when the main character has as much depth as my baby brother’s kiddie pool, but they’re still labeled as nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs. Like no Emily, You aren’t “not like other girls”, you’re just a jackass, a skank, and a bald-headed roach who thinks they’re different because they dont wear makeup. I have more personality in my middle finger than the MC has in her whole body.

I HATE when the MC goes through a breakup and is all of a sudden all hard and shit, Like dude, it’s been like 2 weeks, you aren’t tough all of a sudden because YoUvE hAd YoUr HeArT bRoKeN.

When she cuts off all contact with everyone and runs away from home (for something stupid AF too) or something and her parents aren’t even the least bit concerned that their daughter has been literally fucking missing for like 6 weeks.

When the main character completely disappears off of the face of the earth and then comes back “hot” when all she really has on is lipstick and new clothes. And then the golden boy jock suddenly is all like “wOaH wHo’S tHaT nEw GiRl” and then the popular girl is all like “ThAtS eMiLy. ShE mUsT bE tRyInG tO tAkE mY sPoT” or something.

When the only people of color are literally stereotypes. When there’s a forced love triangle, when you really only want the main LI. When the main girl goes back to her ex who was literally abusive instead of telling someone. When the main character gets kidnapped and almost killed, the LI comes in, and as the LI is about to kill the bad guy she says “no don’t do this. If you kill them it makes you just as bad. Let them rot in jail” and then the bad guy always ends up getting out of jail somehow. When they romanticize teacher/student or abusive relationships. When the main character gives a cheater more chances, and then has the audacity to be shocked when they cheat again. And when the only LGBT character is labeled as the “gay best friend” or the “lesbian best friend who has a secret crush on you”.


Ugh, I hate the makeover–like, you can be freaking sexy AND wear glasses, okay, Emily?


Literally everything u said

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