What covers grab your attention?

Wow, what a flattering screenshot. :joy:


Covers are 48% If your cover is bad and blurry asf, I’m not reading your story, or if it has no cover at all, even if the characters are idle in the cover FORGET IT . But description are what matter to me. Plus Grammar and CORRECT Punctuation, I can’t stand that!!

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Well, I’m horrible at making covers and I’m pretty lazy about this stuff too, but if you want to make a great cover, think out of the box and try to make it original. I get annoyed even by looking at the trending section, because I see those INK and LL characters basically having sex everywhere. In case some of those authors read the forums, there is something I’ve always wanted to tell you: this won’t make me want to see your content, this makes me want to delete the app.

My favourite covers are usually plain and colorful, but it depends on the story’s plot and the genre too. I don’t think you have to insist on adding the characters at all, I’m only doing this with my stories because I don’t have any better ideas :sweat_smile:


Would you guys think it’s sometimes justifiable for an author to maybe use a somewhat suggestive cover in order to get reads? :thinking: Cuz, let’s be honest, you’re doomed to fade into oblivion unless you have a cover like that. No matter how genuine or sweet or touching your story is, unless you have a cover that draws in the hormonal preteens so that the more avid/genuine readers can find your story.

Well, looking at the trending stories, I completely understand where you are coming from. I guess it depends on what you consider a somewhat suggestive cover, but if you want a personal opinion, I wouldn’t do that either because I don’t want people to read my stories because of this. Honestly while this obviously sells, I don’t understand how people are not getting tired of seeing this. But if they really want to see recycled stories with the exact same cover, I wish we could at least make a new trend.


Isn’t that most covers made on here?

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No, some people literally make no effort to make it look nice, they cut out the characters with a white rim still left around and it throw them right left and center and stick a blinding red title or some neon coloured title in comic sans.


I understand what you’re saying, it’s true that sexual covers do drag in a lot of readers but also I’ve read many stories with a lot of reads that don’t have a racy cover, infact none of the stories on my favourites list have one.

I personally believe that if you have a good enough story, word will spread and people will read it. :blush:


Why is this the truth! :sob:

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