What do you find attractive in a person?

His psycho sidešŸ˜‚

Lmao :joy:


Humility is undeniably a very attractive trait. Lol. Thereā€™s nothing better than having someone put the spotlight on you, even if theyā€™ve had a pretty sour day themselves. :black_heart::lemon:



A nerdy humble faithful person with an open mind, a sense of humour, humanity and a tough butt.


To be honest i have a thing for nice looking necksā€¦but other than that I like guys with brains I wont date an uneducated person EVER :upside_down_face:

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Majestic beards. I love facial hair. The kind of stuff thatā€™s like a forest. Oof.

Iā€™d prefer an assertive person. Someone who isnā€™t afraid of me or intimidated by me. I hear this all the time from people and Iā€™m so confused like, Iā€™m literally an angel?? Lol. I always meet people who are either too passive or too aggressive.

Assertive, a sense of humor.

Pretty sure thatā€™s the most important thing to me.

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Funny, honest, loving and loyal.

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Passion and personality

Not to be pervy or anything, but I think I find the look and their actions most important

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If they are sweet and funny and weird that is all i need. Tbh looks dont matter as much because one day looks will tarnish with time. But personality always remains.

OK, so I needed a tiny break from this threadā€¦

After reading 2 responses directed at me, while itā€™s admirable they voiced their opinions, I disagree with what they said but will not tag them because I want to avoid drama.

But itā€™s really sad to hear that ā€œtall is a bonusā€

And thereā€™s no proper reasoning behind it either : /

If itā€™s not over-protectiveness, then Iā€™m left in the dark to what it is.

Very upsetting.

Just imagine how it sounds; something THAT someone has no control over is being considered a bonus.

You want a guy with blue eyes? No problem, a brown eyed guy can get contacts. You want a guy whoā€™s acne free? No probs, acne free creams exist!
Blue hair? Hair dye.
These things can be changed, heck even weight can be controlled.


Itā€™s all dependent on genes, and as long as short genes continue to exist, short people will too.

Trust me, if short guys could choose their height, theyā€™d rather be tall because of the way society depicts them.

There is even bone lengthening surgery (super dangerous) and grow tall (super fake) videos on YouTube for guys because they know a lot of girls like tall guys.

Sigh, what has become of humanity.

A simple remark such as ā€œbeing tall is a bonus for guysā€ has caused so much stress for guys who canā€™t reach the mark set by girls.

P.S Personality traits can be bonus (oh heā€™s funny) but height just canā€™t be :confused:

Sorry for the rant lol, Iā€™ll end it here as I donā€™t want to go off topic :sweat_smile:


Mostly their personality but looks play a small role too .

Compassion, humor, honest, loyal, dorky is a plus and Iā€™m a sucker for a nice jawline.

itā€™s true that shorter guys feel the need to be tall because of society, but the comment was harmless. it should not affect shorter people, unless they already have a low self-esteem

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Dude! All I have to say is you practically took my thoughts and typed them out!

I should also mention if you feel this way about this subject BOY DO I GOT A STORY COMING FOR YOU

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I agree with you. I actually met a guy that was 5ā€™6. That isnā€™t so bad. And look, itā€™s 5ā€™6, not 5"6, youā€™re a paragon! <3 He sent me this message, he asked me how tall I was, and I told him, then I asked him, and he goes exactly: ā€œI"m short. :frowning: 5ā€™6ā€


When youā€™re 5ā€™2, thatā€™s not short, lol! But it is apparently a problem. Every time I hear a guy say something like that, I just tell them if a lady ever says some nonsense about your height, tell her to lose some weight and walk away. XD Oh, you only date ā€œtallā€ guys? I only date girls who arenā€™t ā€œland whalesā€ BLEGH!

It infuriates me a little bit when being tall is a must-have on a ladyā€™s list. Iā€™ll admit, sure it is a bonus, but it should never be a deal breaker. Men are protective whether theyā€™re 6ā€™5, 5ā€™6, or somewhere in between. Itā€™s kinda in their biology to be, so girls shouldnā€™t have much to worry about in that regard. Thereā€™s more than one way to protect your loved ones, not just by being more intimidating in appearance. (Thatā€™s what it is, mostly, btw. People may not realize it or want to admit it, but height is packaged under ā€œappearanceā€.)

Height shouldnā€™t really be on a radar, in my opinion, when deciding a mate. Does he care about you? Is he pleasant to be around? Thatā€™s whatā€™s important. If heā€™s tall - yey. If heā€™s short - hey!

I dated a guy that was an inch taller than me. 5ā€™3 is unforgivably short for men. XDXD I left him because he legit IGNORED me! Iā€™m like talking about something Iā€™m passionate about, heā€™s on his phone going ā€œUh huhā€¦uhā€¦auhhā€¦uhā€¦ā€ I was like -_-

His lack of height, I didnā€™t even think about until just now, trying to recall all the guys Iā€™ve ever liked/dated, whatever. His main appeal was that he was an amazing kisser, but boy! You gotta talk to me!! XDXD

More of the real guys Iā€™ve liked have actually been below average height, which is 5ā€™8. IDK, maybe I prefer looking in their eyes without looking straight up. LOL



i mean if theyre not trying so hard then humor like my crush always makes me laugh

Probably humour you wouldnā€™t want to be with a person that doesnā€™t even make you crack a smile.


They have to be funny and take a joke but also need to be loyal and needs to be able to take things seriously if need be