What Do You Guys Think About.....Part One:

What do you guys think about Episode’s update on being able to post your status, story, and choice? I really like it…hopefully peeps will notice mine soon…:grimacing:

Comment below what you think of the new update? :grin:

  • Dasha
1 Like

Lucky! I haven’t got it yet… :sob:

Wait, seriously? :joy:

Serious. :cry:

I’m reeeeeaallllly excited for it, but unfortunately I haven’t got it either.

Lol, I had that update about a week ago, whenever ya get it, update Episode!

It sounds like a good idea and hope we all get it soon. We should post as soon as we get it as I heard not everyone gets it at the same time.

Lol, I can tell bc I have it now, and had it for a week. :joy::ok_hand:

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