What DONT you like in episode stories?

I find it really interesting talking about what people dislike in episode stories, what makes you NOT want to finish an story.

What makes me not want to finish a story:

● Using the gay bestfriend as a prop to make your story look more diverse, but really they have no persona whatsoever and are not relevant. Don’t include a ‘diverse’ character if it’s going to be completley based on stereotypes which brings me to my next point.

● When authors try and write stories about minorites or cultures that they are not educated on and get offended and call it bullying when people call them out. Publishing a story means you should be open to all types of constructive criticism.

● The bad boy stories, I’m not going to lie, i have read a couple bad boy stories but they are all pretty much identical. The bad boy is a complete idiot to the MC and she ‘doesn’t like him’ usually slams her against a locker which is btw sexual assault ,who in their right mind slams someone against a locker? And it’s ok because he’s ‘hot’ in rl If someone did that to me I would be kicking and screaming lmao. Bad boys aren’t boys who f*ck all the women they can and they are not all jerks.

●Please dont write a story that is
homophobic,racist,islamophobic or offensive in any way shape or form. If you dont support the LGBTQ+ community then thats your issue but just be mature.

●Customizing, before I used to love customizing the MC and refused to read stories where I couldn’t but now I dont really mind. What I still despise is having a whole episode for CC… Just no. I also dont like cusomising the whole town. Like i’m sorry but I dont want to CC johnny who works at the cafe or Mary who works at the bar. Maybe just the MC & LL.

● Another thing that makes me click off the story super quick is a scene thats totally uncalled for in most stories 'The omg I’m about to get raped scene then all of a sudden the bad boy comes from no where and punches the guy and BAM! He’s down This is not only highly unrealistic and romanticizing rape Like no just don’t add a scene that was completely irrelevant to the plot to make the bad boy seem like a ‘nice guy’ idk about everyone else, but reading these types of stories make me :two_hearts: u n c o m f y :two_hearts:

● Stereotypes based on looks. What pisses me off is when people stereotype peopl based on what they look like for example, nerds with glasses. I wear glasses sometimes, not for fashion but because i need them to see. Blonde cheerleaders that are mean and bitchy for no reason whatsoever. One of my bestfriends is a blonde and she’s literally one of the sweetest people I know. I just refuse to believe that someones looks defines their character.

I’ve probably missed alot out and am going to add onto it later but what do y’all find annoying? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I agree with everything you said! :joy::heartpulse:

  • Stories without CC are fine, but I prefer a limited CC :sweat_smile:
  • Yessss, really that‘s annoying, and these bad boys are only ˋbad´ like some of them don’t have a personality.

I so agree with this! I’ve seen this happen when their relationship is “developing” or whatever you’d like to call it, no matter how “hot” someone could be I would break their nose if they slammed me against something (this is awkward to type as I am not over 20, but oh well) I just don’t see how it could be okay when they’re not in a relationship.


a reminder that smoking is not a personality trait.


Pregnancy. In 9/10 stories I’ll stop reading :((


when ppl use poc issues as a background for their white blonde female Mc. Like, our oppression shouldn’t be used as a background for your white Mc :expressionless:


Omg yes!!

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Anything that has a description along the lines of:
“You’re an innocent girl, he’s a HOT bad boy with an intriguing past. Will you resist his WICKED charms, or will you succumb to his SINFUL games.”




Exactly. Hes usually just a jerk who uses woman but you’re ‘not like other girls’


HAHA yeah I agree. those summaries are a real cringe to read :eyes:


Most of these stories have more than 100k reads Idk why-


Or something along the lines of ‘He’s a jerk who happens to be a bad boy? And your a nerd nobody knows.And wait…He’s interested in YOU!!! Can you handle the heat as you start a seductive game’


periodttttttt I can’t help but laugh


for me big no is all mafia related stories…I reades one of the famouse it was my first so Ï confess I liked it…but now I cant stand them…I simply feel not OK with the fact that it romatisizes heavy criminals…first of all in reality this are brutal people not guy you want to have kids with and second I realy havr that the MC is always totaly blind to what he does…he loves me so she doesnt even bother he is a killer?

also I dont like that pregnancy is used mostly only for the drama purpose… she runs away or she finds out she is pregnant after they broke up atc…

But what is more problematic for me is the bad writing and bad directing… the more I write myself the more I am unconciesly critical to the stories as it seems. I realized I am not able to read even the famouse stories if I see a lot of small directing mistakes…It would be okay by beginner author but I am bit alergic on it in stories with milions of reads. When my directin is a lot better then in the story I feel annoied and have the feeling the author was not caring about the visual.


Sometimes I peruse the shelves just to read the summaries alone. It gives me the giggles… :relaxed:


This is very helpful!
Thanks for sharing!


Remember when people used to make their entire first episode customization? lmao if I saw that now I’d be justttttt :triumph: :rage: :tired_face:


The love interest bait and switch! Where you think a second option comes along and they are actually way better than the first LI but PSYCH just a plot device, not a real LI. Then you end up with the first LI no matter what and they are far less likeable lol