What genre of story would you like to see more of?

Ssssooo. I am trying to figure out what people would want to read! (genre wise) If you have any ideas (that are genres in episode) u can tell me so I know what to make my story on! TYSM!!!


Maybe more comedy ones?


Horror stories


Comedy ones with a little romance :slight_smile: or adventure I don’t see a lot of that


Horror, horror, horror! There’s so few true horror stories - most I’ve found are more thriller/mystery than actual horror. There’s especially a lack of supernatural horror.


Definitely Fantasy and Horror! I love them both

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THRILLER!!! gosh we need more horror/thriller stories like Gwen-Bruce said.

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Sssoooooooo I should do horror?


i think that if you’re confident that you can make a GOOD horror story then go for it for sure! but if that’s not your strong suit then maybe not. it’s gonna need a killer plot tho! lmao you see what i did there… i’ll leave.


I don’t really know my strong suit yet… I guess I will try?

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And I loved the pun! You really killed it!

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AAAAAA i seee you!

But dead mass idfk on how to find inspiration! All I can think about is this movie called “The Prodigy” and I can’t do dat bcuz itz copyrightttt :roll_eyes: uugghh the law!

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I was gonna do one on a missing person (who u would play as) but like idk how to make it creepy…

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Wait… so could I just make little stories? (like each episode being a story) or would people not read dat?

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hmmmm… i’d read the missing person one for sure! not sure what it would be about. but i’d read it! those types of things interest me which is why i wrote my story :joy::joy::joy: bahahha

Moved to Episode Fan Community since this isn’t about a specific story idea or story reviews. Make sure to check out our Forum Tutorial for more info about where to correctly create topics, and feel to PM me if there are any questions. :wink:

Horror or Thriller.




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