🔠 What is ___ in your language? GAME 🔡

How it works:

First person: What is rabbit in your language?

Second person: Khargosh

What is book in your language?

Third person: Kitab

What is sugar in your language?

Fourth person: Khand

What is

And so forth. Feel free to write it in the English alphabet or how you write it using your alphabet (or even both).

So you write what the word is in your language and then give a question asking what a word is in the person’s language (the mother tongue of the person who’ll respond below you; by the way, it doesn’t have to be your mother tongue, it can be a language you know a lot in). Hope this makes sense. :heart:

I’ll start:

What is memory in your language?

P.S if there’s a duplicate topic, do let me know :laughing: :rose:


Memory in Vietnamese: sức nhÆĄÍ

What is happiness in your language?

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What is relationship in your language?

What is friend in your language?

French: ami (or plural, amis)

What is eat in your language?

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Eat in Latvian is - ēst

How do you say jacket in your language?

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How do you say apple?

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In Italian we say “mela”.

What is dream in your language?


Supna :crescent_moon: :sleeping:

What is Popsicle in your language?


Greek: glifitzouri

How do you say shoes in your language?

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French: chaussures

How do you say book in your language?

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Portuguese: livros

What’s flowers in your language?

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Arabic: Ward

What’s sun in your language?

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French: soleil

What is home in your language?


Tagalog: Bahay

What’s dog in your language?


German: Hund

What’s snow in your language?


Italian: neve

What’s sleeping in your language?

Dutch: slapen
What’s writing in your language?

What is hope in your language?

Latvian: cerība

What is field in your language?