What is the most frusterating thing that happens while you code on episode?

When I somehow manage to exit out of my story and it doesn’t prompt me to save and I lose everything (since it won’t be in previous revisions). I hate the touchpad lol.

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:100: agree. :sob:


me :sob::sob::sob: I’ve changed my MC’s looks like 5 times already


stop calling me out like this :sob:


When you get serious writer’s block.


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Me: Crossing fingers Please save, please save, please save…
Portal: Unable to parse. Script too big.
Me: Throws laptop at wall


It’s usually stupid little typos that give you a little warning, and even when your your script is super long so it takes a while to figure out what is wrong.

Also, the way overlays appear depending on where you first code them confuse me too


Layers not working with preset spots (screen center/screen left/right). :roll_eyes:

Always gotta make me spot-direct…


When you thought you have it all control but then you preview and it still looks messy as hell, then you waste your time correcting everything and realized you only did few lines in 3 hours :roll_eyes:

And when you tried to copy that line to duplicate or place it on the other part of the script and you accidentally click cut or paste fml


That is the worst man.

When you can’t click because you need directing helper open.

This is so annoying, I literally have to close it, reopen it to fix speech bubbles.

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Having this problem at the moment (has it before as well but forgot how to fix it)
It tells me that the { on line x is missing a } bit I can click the arrows and bring them back together so I know that it’s not actually missing one

Can anyone help with this? It’s a real pain

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