What makes a story the WORST episode story ever written? XD

So true.

Okay, Imma make a list because I realize how many of these I kinda use and its bad.

  1. When the author says they will make the other episodes longer, and then proceeds to have a 1 minute long story.
  2. Ugly/Poor/Unpopular/Weird gurl and Handsome/Bad/Rich/Famous/ Awesome/ 6- Pack boy fall in love.
  3. That weird mean gurl who immediantly hates the main character. Her favorite color is normally pink, she is an idiot, a player, and stupid.
  4. Random fight scenes.
  5. A bunch of guys liking the main character for no reason.
  6. Really mature topics when a lot of the peeps that read these stories are little gurls. Like we need more innocent things that show gurls that life isn’t all about cussing, sex, and all that.
  7. Having a bad boy (and only a bad boy) smoke.
  8. Having the main characters friend be a jerk and leave her behind for some mans.
  9. Making stories not very realistic. (Like the main characters luck is INSANE)
  10. Flat- flat- flat characters ~ like the cliche mean gurl, weird gurl, popular boy, popular dudes friends, weird boy who will probably fall in love with the main character and will be friendzoned.
  11. The main character randomly doing strange things for no reason. Like suddenly they HAVE to do this.
  12. The over sexualization of these stories.

Sometimes simple romance and innocence is the best because it is a gem. :slight_smile:


I’ll boil it down to six things: general ignorance, careless grammar, low creativity, wooden dialogue, detached mood, and lack of plot direction.

General ignorance: Both in terms of unawareness of basic facts, and inability to write a certain diversity classification (be that POC, LGBT+, religious, mental illness, physical disability, etc etc etc). I mean, Google is free, and it’s not that hard to have a diverse cast who aren’t just a team of stereotypes, if you’ve, y’know, had friends.

Careless grammar: Pay attention in school. And if you’re learning English, there are plenty of amazing proofreaders all over the forums who’d be glad to help, it’s a great way to improve your story and practise and learn. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: A few mistakes are fine, but prove to me that you tried haha.

Low creativity: The leading cause of cliches.

Wooden dialogue: This one’s harder to describe, but I feel like you kinda see where I’m going. Just dialogue that seems forced, unnatural, detached, or doesn’t flow.

Detached mood: When the characters don’t react properly to certain events (making it plain to see the situations in which the writer can’t empathise). Crying real hard when separated from her boyfriend, but barely grieving if a relative dies. Or reacting to scary things in a blase way while freaking about about minor embarrassments. Or just a character who has no moods in general (unless that’s a character trait, but even then, other characters have to have emotions to make up for it).

Lack of plot direction: Where is the story going? Every single moment in the story should have an end goal. If you’re not swimming, you’re treading water, my friend, and that’s no way to get to the finish line.

Combine all 6, and you’ve got yourselves a stinker. :poop::+1:


@Evelynn15 oh yeah, I get annoyed with that too! Fast moving relationships are just ugh… >_>

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I know! They don’t make any sense, and it ruins the story. Like it trashes any potential for romance tension.

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Not really the worst, but I like complaining so :cowboy_hat_face: :
One of my biggest pet peeves that happens in so many stories is the bland MC, who doesn’t really have any bold personality traits. Other than, like, being clumsy or quirky or sarcastic. Especially when she doesn’t have any kind of story arc and development. I guess she’s supposed to be “relatable” by liking pizza and tripping easily.
Also, I’m sick of the mean bad boy VS the good golden boy. It’s so common, especially with the “bad boy” who turns out to be a sweetheart or whatever.
And please get rid of the Gay Best Friends whose only personality trait is being gay. Sometimes, that will get me to click out of a story so fast because that is irritating.


yep! Basically gender and sexuality stereotypes really make a story terrible :grimacing:


The MC being a girl/guy whose only motivation is to get with the love interest. Like, if you’re thirsty go to McDonald’s, don’t act all one-dimensional just because you’re thirsty.


Yesss! Okay, honestly, one of the reasons a lot of people consider Episode a joke is because of the INTENSE amount of over sexaulization of everything. Also, I do agree. It’s very typical for the main lead gurl to have a gay best friend who is an EXPERT at love and helps her out. Like honestly, a lot of guys who are trashy really bad people are GONNA BE TRASHY REALLY BAD PEOPLE with some/ a lot of baggage. They don’t just turn into a prince charming like that. Also, it really does annoy me when the ‘fun’ or choices you want to pick cost 30 diamonds. Like wow, 30 diamonds to ask him this question WHAT A DEAL BRUH.


They also have this cliche where like the bad boy is dared to ask this gurl out, but Oh No… She isn’t like other gurls. She will not sleep with him on the first night. WOWEEKAZOWEEE He must now break her. I got so annoyed with the bad boy things, I saw a romance on best friends and I read the whole thing even tho the story line was a little off.


Also, I know this really isn’t related to the chat, but I was wondering if any of you guys wanted to check out my 1st chapter. It’s totally a train wreck, but I’m struggling to find beauty in my writing because of perfection ocd bleh.

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Here’s a story you should not read it’s My Psycho oh my it’s overated