What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear it?

You have autism or anxiety?

Sorry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Should have been specific, there.


Also Post raumatic stress disorder.

So I cringe when people say “omg i’m getting ptsd/i have ptsd now” when something mildly distrubing or gross happens. It’s not a quirky reaction to something, asshole.


Exactly! It’s disrespectful to people who have it…


No it’s fine. I don’t like being in large crowds because of it and I worry a lot…


That’s just messed up. They going to hell, PERIOD!! :triumph::triumph:

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Yep, I hate being in large crowds too.
The idea of going to places like Disneyland or Disney World actually stresses me out.



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I’d like to travel as well… But people will judge me…

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All the men in my family have PTSD because of being at war. We were at an awful waffle one time, and we were chatting with our waitress. We were all kinda hammered, so I don’t remember about the story she was telling, but she said near the end, “It gave me like, PTSD!” and I told her, “My dad has PTSD,” just kinda like a, hey! PTSD? We have one of those! Not like a GOTCHA or anything like that.

LOL!! The blood left her face, she was about to PASs OUT! Was hilarious, honestly. My dad cleared it up with her, it wasn’t a big deal to him, but her reaction was pretty great, LOL


Yeah, a lot of them do if they were in the war. They get some triggers.

Haha good for you.
I just get really grossed out by people making light of these kinds of issues.

I probably would be, too if I watched all my friends and co-workers die horrifically ^^

But anyways!!! >.>

Similar ^^ Very similar. Certain mental illnesses/conditions and all this gets “trendy” sometimes and people pretend to have them and act the part. As someone with MDD, and a dad that I practically worship with PTSD, it does bother me sometimes. However, taking into consideration how people speak sometimes, shrugs I mean you do you. Doesn’t mean I have to like it or be okay with it ^^ lol

People will judge you?


I also have it as well (because of something traumatic that happened when I was a little younger) so it’s like, “Bro. Seriously?!”

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Anxiety is tough man!


I know ^^’ Similar situation

I hate anxiety and depression ^^

Something that makes me roll my eyes every time I hear it: “Get over it” “It’s not real” “It’s ALL in your head” “You don’t need medication to overcome that”

I get it, sometimes people think they’re being helpful when they say this, but its tired now. How about…:thinking: What works for me is when I’m in the middle of something I like / love doing. If you’re having a great time, it is easier to not care what people think. I think you have to already BE there though. Medication really helped me to the point I don’t need it anymore, (as well as religion X’D)


When someone says “you don’t need medication to overcome that.” I just think lol you probably haven’t seen me when I’m not on my medication. I really do need it.


That helps me. A lot. I also read and pray sometimes as well.

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Yes!! God is great! :pray: :pray: :latin_cross: :open_book:

:thinking: Or in your case, those should be more like: :pray: :pray: :star_and_crescent: :open_book:


I truly believe that Jesus cured me. When something happened to me one day, really helped. That’s also why I sometimes roll my eyes when people tell me: “Religion is stupid.” “Religion is terrible.” “-insert other nonsense about religion here” just because of how it has directly SAVED my life.

Whether you believe or not or whether it is even objectively real or not, the belief in it SAVED me and countless others. ^^ Religion is a great thing on an individual’s level ^^