What should I categorize my story as?

I’m really close to posting my first story!
But before I finish up episode 3 I need to figure out what to categorize my story as.
It has some drama, romance, and comedy.
So honestly I’m kinda confused lol.
:white_heart: and Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
Xxx -Benny


Depends on which one is the most prominent. If it revolves more around a love story/stories, then it should be in romance. If it’s got more to it like interesting things that the characters experience and go through that’s not only about their love life, then drama. If it’s more like a rom-com, or where jokes are constantly being made, then put it in comedy.


Thank you for the advice! I’ll definitely have to think about it. :joy::two_hearts:


so its kinda normal to know your genre before you start writhing, because rules of how a story goes depend on the genre.

but what is your story most, is like 70%romance 25%drama 5% comedy, then it goes in romance,

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I get that, but it’s almost all equal. I totally see what you’re saying! Thank you!

Think of the WHOLE plot without a specific scene, and see what category it fits the most! So think of a summary of your story, do you think it has drama more than romance? Comedy more than drama etc…
I hope i helped!! :heartpulse::two_hearts:

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Thank you! That actually really helped! :two_hearts:

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