What You Forgot To Tell

To start, I’ll give you a brief demo –

I had an ice cream today.

What You Forgot To Tell is that you had a chocolate ice cream on discount today!
I joined Facebook.

What You Forgot To Tell is that you joined Facebook because your mama forced you to!
I forgot to do my project work.

…And so on. I hope this works as I think so :grin:

I’ll start –

I got a Hulk stuff toy today.


You forgot to say how you got it
I killed a fly today

you forgot to say the fly was eating your food.
I joined instagram

You forgot to say you aren’t allowed to
I got change today

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What You Forgot To Tell that the person who gave you the change was an old man suffering from Forgetful Disease!

I fell down the stairs when I was in my teens.

You forgot to say you were clumsy back than.
I untangled headphones

What You Forgot To Tell is that the headphones were meant to be kept tangled

I procrastinated on writing an episode story

What You Forgot To Tell is that your dog was already clean

My cat is sleeping on my bed

You forgot to tell that that it’s still HELLA CUTE!!! :sparkles:

I joined Episode forums yesterday.

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What you forgot to tell was that everyone treated you nicely

I ate McDonald’s pancakes this morning

You Forgot To Tell that you bought them at a discount.

My brother lost my brooch.

What you forgot to tell is that you left it on your desk for all to see

I don’t think I will ever get off of the forums

You forgot to say that she went to bed because she had too much kibble

I’m on my way to the beach

You forgot to say that you have to drive for a bit to get there

My grandparents are playing weird songs

You forgot to tell that you hate that movie

The song I’m coming out is odd

You Forgot To Tell that you made her that way…
I haven’t sleep in 24 hours

You forgot to tell that you were stuck in a traffic jam and that’s why.

My next-door neighbor is a bad boy.

You forgot to say that he’s an Episode bad boy
I ate a sandwich today

You forgot to tell that it was an imaginary sandwich and you ate the whole thing
I’m going to read a book tonight

You forgot to tell what book it is.
I listened to music today.