What You Forgot To Tell

You forgot to tell that it was because you want to be so hot.

I am so tired


You forgot to say you are entering competitions like that, to take your mind off of your ex lover.

I look like a vampire sometimes.

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you forgot to say that when you get married you will both become trained assassins, and be above the law.

I want to be a badass gangsta/ femme fatale in the future

you forgot to say you don’t like boys because you are bisexual.

I am smarter than I look

You forgot to say you are smarter than you look because you are actually a robot

I love school

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you forgot to say you love glitter nail polish especially with HOLO but simplynailogical

i suck at sports

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you forgot to say you are checking your phone because you are secretly Kim Kardashian

my leg hurts


you forgot to say your leg hurts because your cat scratched it all up

i’m moving

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you forgot to say you are moving because the people in your neighbourhood found out that you are a sociopath.

It smells in here

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(why does that sound so much like me?)

you forgot to say it smells because the class is cutting onions

im dead

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you forgot to say you are dead deep down and alive on the surface.

I am the queen of the clouds

you forgot to say you wish you had wings because Aurora’s dad cut them off

I like pina-colada’s

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(yass the song!)

You forgot to say if you like brown eyed boys and blue eyed girl you’ll really go crazy.

I love my blue swede shoes

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(Elvis has been lost)

You forgot to say you go to too many anime cons because your friend forces you too.

I’m dead


you forgot to say you look like a tourist in your own country because it is so damn nice

i fell down my stairs

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you forgot to say you haven’t done laundry in so long because you washer is possessed.

I hate movies

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you forgot to say you hate movies because you have epilepsy

I have a new profile pic

You forgot to say that it looks dope.

My best friend has a crush on Jennifer Aniston.

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You forgot to mention that celebrities don’t even care

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You forgot to mention that you are sweating .

I will tell my friend a secret.