What's the most overused episode cliché in your opinion?

Every MC’s life summary

MC is the tough, sassy bad girl who falls for the bad boy. MC get into a love triangle story when the golden boy arrives.

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Ikr it’s pretty common

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Mafia… As the protagonists. Mafias literally earn money from drugs, prostitution, illegal weapons, etc. Stop glorifying their goddamn business.


Right! I’m a really tall girl too! It’s like we’re not seen as adorable and cute because we’re not small. We really need some tall female characters. :joy:

Another cliché is when the character has a really troubled childhood and mostly it’s sexual abuse or the death of a parent/parents. I know that this really happens but it would be nice to see main characters with a less depressing background. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ikr! And she’s like " i CaNt LeT hIm KnOw AbOuT mY dArK pAsT" sometimes I just find it as cliche

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See, I hate cliches but I get attached to them :joy:

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Lol :joy::joy:

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Mine is totally dependent woman that need to be always saved. Like we can’t defend ourselves nowadays, be it with our brains or with a few punches :rage:

PS: Maybe I’m suspicious as I slaughter people with my words if they anger me and I’m a combat sports lover and do kickboxing :thinking:

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Ikr like Bruh that just makes us girls look weak :expressionless: it annoys me everytime this happens

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Your past is part of you so the “need” of hiding it never made sense to me :roll_eyes:

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Ikr like Bruh :joy::joy:

Yes. :yellow_heart::sparkling_heart::gift_heart:


There are many cliche stories on Episode. Even mine are cliche but I like them lol.
Now, I’m going to turn this around and ask a different question:

What do you all want to see in stories? What genre, and plot perhaps?

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Ooooh Mines is horror, comedy and thriller, and an original non overused plot

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I would like to see cliches that are well written. Because realistically, a lot of stories are gonna have something that is cliche. But that doesn’t mean nearly all the cliche stories written have to have no effort or is just a copy of another story with the only new things being added are new characters. I would like to see that the author has taken time to really develop the story in a way that will have the readers attached to the charcters or really engaged in the story. A lot of stories lack that so when a character that is meant to mean something is killed off or something terrible happens, I feel absolutely nothing and just stare at the screen with the straightest face ever. A lot of authors also just rush writing to hurry up and publish the story and or to start rushing writing intimate scenes. Please just take time to develop the story but don’t also drag it because you don’t want the story to end.
I prefer fantasy and adventure genres but if you’re story is well written, I’m reading the story regardless of what genre it is in.


Agreed. I write in horror/mystery/thriller genres. I plan on releasing a new story by Halloween. My 1st story was rushed, because it was for a contest. I could’ve done better. And yes, I want to see more of these genres along with fantasy and adventure. Even stories published by the Episode company itself is inappropriate adult behavior, badboys, blah blah.


My problem with the fantasy (concerning vampires):
Twilight took up nearly EVERY OPTION that can be talked about in a story. Like, they hardly missed anything. :woman_facepalming:
So, I feel like if I wrote a story about vampires or werewolves, it would be too related to Twilight.


That sucks, I’ve never tried to write one about vampires and werewolfes before, but that situation seems to really suck

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Bad writing.