What's wrong here? Help

I can’t fix it,
He’s going backwards, I want him to follow her and show up in front of her.
I hope you’ve figured me out. :weary: :woman_facepalming:

Like, her walking and him following her at the same time?

Not at the same time, a few seconds later.


@YOU enters from right to screen center AND YOU does it while walk_sad
@pause for a beat
@DEAN enters from right to screen left AND DEAN faces right AND DEAL is walk_exhausted

Try that maybe

no… :cry:
It’s the same thing.
Thanks for the help :heart:
I’ll just change their locations and maybe it’ll help.

Okay. I’m so sorry I was not much help

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I did it!! :star_struck:

@YOU enters from right to screen center AND YOU does it while walk_sad

@pause for a beat

@DEAN enters from right to screen left AND DEAN is walk_exhausted
@DEAN faces right

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Yayyyy! Good job!!

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