What's your complex?

I don’t know if anybody already did this but…
Every person has some sort of a complex, it could be anything, about looks, hobbies, anything else!

It’s not the most positice thing but I’ve seen some discussions about things you don’t like about yourself and want to change or things you’d like to have so it’s sorta like that.

Please tell me if this is a stupid idea, and no judging or being mean, you can be honest!


I am not comfortable with my looks (body, even though I am not fat, but not that plum, lips,). I have a bit of temper, too naive, trust too easily and open up too easily. I know a lot of things about loving yourself and all of that, but it just…Doesn’t.

It isn’t stupid idea at all. Actually, there are people who would rather open up to someone whom they will never see, than to a friend or family


I hate my mood changes. And I don’t mean being an asshole to People after being totally fine. (I could never say something insulting to others) I have months in which I feel great, in which I have this ‘I am perfect the way I am’ attitude’. But then I just feel absoluetly down, without any reason at all, it gets so bad that I barricade myself in my room, not Talking to anyone until I feel good again.


I definitely get that, and thank you! :heartpulse:

i don’t like how i look. weight, face, skin, etc. i wish i was also more confident and nice, because my anger issues get really bad at times. i’m insecure and i wish i could change that.

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If barricading yourself in your room helps though, then good.

I feel like that sometimes, and I just want to be alone and see nobody.

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That’t the Problem, it doesn’t. I just don’t eat for some days and I just cry a lot during those months and am just seeking the mood i was in. It’s like every single one of my doubts come out those days


I’m sorry, I wish I could help. Is there anything that might help you?

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It’s alright, thank you for offering though!


Superiority complex is definitely one of mine.

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I think it’s good to talk about things like this!
My complex: I will/ have put the welfare of others before my own. In the past, I have done this even to the extent of harming myself. They call this the hero-complex. I want to feel needed by others and can’t be alone for a long time. When people do me wrong, I tend to blame myself or it completely tears me apart. Now I’m learning to choose for my own welfare and indirectly this secures the welfare of my family. (Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language).


Complexes are complex in nature how do you know if you have a complex when some are not even aware they existed in the first place

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You’re right. I’ve only learned about mine a few months ago, but I have had it since youth.


I’m already 5’9, so I don’t wear heels. Sucks because heels are cute af…

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I’m 5’1 I’m short even with high heels haha. You should wear heels if you want to anyways, tall or not, there isn’t a limit as to how tall you can be :blush:

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