When Should I Give Credit?

Hey Guys! This is a really stupid question, but I wanted to know if I need to give credit to people on the forums. For example, if someone gave me an answer to a problem (like all of you guys) do I need to credit them?

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What type of problem? If they gave you something like a background or overlay you really should credit them. If it was something like a directing problem, you can ask them but I don’t think it would really matter. If you do credit you can probably do it at the end of the episode.

Yeah the problems were directing. Like how to use overlays or the Dona code was not working right ect.

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You can ask them, but I don’t think you’d need to give credit.

Ok, thank you so much… by the way, how do I change my profile picture?

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Go to your profile, scroll down to preferences, scroll down. :wink:

Thanks Again! :grinning:

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No problem!