Where did you learn how to code?

I know most will say the episode guides, but i mean anything else beside that. I saw wonderful stories with lots of overlays and effects and complex coding but i dont know if someone has guides for this. If you know any, please share them :slight_smile:


Iโ€™d say the guides and the forums, but mostly by trying and trying again! if you think combining different commands could work, try it! at most youโ€™ll keep getting errors and youโ€™ll understand that those commands canโ€™t be combined


I learnt the basics from Joseph Evans Video and Dara Amaries Website and also the guidesโ€ฆWhen u explore more and try different combinations of coding u can achieve the complex coding partโ€ฆIt really takes time but once u are well acquainted with the commands and things it will become easy for u :blush::blush:


I used and still use Daraโ€™s site. I learned coding that way, also with looking at the example codes in the portal. Now I sometimes look at the forums for guides, or just try with error after error. O.o


Learned most things from Joseph Evans videos on YouTube, trial and error, and help from my Instagram group chat :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you


i learned by trying different things and looking at other peopleโ€™s scripts to kind of see how i should format my script and everything. basically a trial and error kind of thing, along with occasional help from joseph evansโ€™ (and other episode youtuberโ€™s) tutorials! i would consider myself a near advanced coder now that ive been coding in the episode coding language for about 2 years !!


Ty. And iwas looking for a guide for that combinations XD a few years ago was really easy to code since it wasnt so many features but now they got so complex ._.

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Where did you found other people scripts? I have been searching but i only found simple scripts not very advanced

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the forums and on youtube!



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I learned from joseph Evanโ€™s videos from youtube and also from Dara Amareโ€™s website!

You gotta research more and more and practice it on your scriptโ€ฆAs for me It took 1 and half months (In those one and half months, I also wrote 3 chapters). Now I find it Boring and Meningless (lol). So they are like being rewrittenโ€ฆLike really really rewritten!!

So, Keep it up 1st it will be very annoyingโ€ฆBut the more you practice the more you learn!
And of course when you face any problem, you can come to form and post your problem.
There are many writers who are ready to solve! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Best of luck :blob_hearts:


I coded the first bits while watching Joseph Evans (a real lifesaver). I also loved the guides, Dara Amarieโ€™s website and the forum. If I didnโ€™t know how to do something, Iโ€™d google it and 9 out of 10 times someone had asked it on the forum already.

One thing that I also did (which is really important in my opinion) is analyzing other stories. Iโ€™ve read many chapters of many different successful stories just to see what works and what doesnโ€™t. For instance, I looked at zooms, the length of transitions and even speech bubble placement. That really helped. It also helped me determine what plots and tropes were popular.

Coding is just practice, practice, practice. After a few months, youโ€™ll find your own way of doing things.


Thank you ^^

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Thank you. I have read some with very advanced coding, i got some nice stories ideas that needs advanced coding but i had no idea how to do XD
Im not a pacient person so i guess i was looking for a quick way lol

I believe thereโ€™s no quick way unfortunately. Iโ€™ve seen some people offer their (paid) services as a teacher on instagram. Personally, I think that is really a waste of money. No one can really make you a pro in a short amount of time. Constant research, every day practice and trial and error are really the quickest ways!


Personally I started off watching Joseph Evans and any other video tutorials I could, because I hate reading through tutorials. But thereโ€™s literally so many places to learn. :blob_hearts: :blob_sun:


Hey! If youโ€™re just getting started with directing your story try looking at some of these threads on the forums! :blob_hearts: :blob_sun:

HOW TO: Spotlight Format
HOW TO: Stage Direction
HOW TO: Color Code and Lock A Choice
HOW TO: Remember Who the MC Talked To
Using Tappable Overlays in a Mannequin Template :blue_heart:
HOW TO: Have Choices Without Dialogue :right_anger_bubble: :dizzy:
HOW TO: Reset Story Progress + Bonus Stuff :blob_sun:
HOW TO: Resize Images
HOW TO: Nested Choices
HOW TO: Place Characters in a Bath
UNDERSTANDING: Script + Display Names
HOW TO: Simple Choices
HOW TO: Use [shouldPaginate: YES]
HOW TO: Weather Effects
HOW TO: Labels and Gotos :black_heart:
HOW TO: Place Characters Behind A Desk :chair: :mortar_board:
HOW TO: Have Character(s) Appear in a TV
HOW TO: Rear Animations
HOW TO: Customize Characters
Tip: Conversion between Main Positions to Spots
HOW TO: Transitions
HOW TO: Enter and Exit Scenes :ice_cube:
HOW TO: Make the Camera Shake
HOW TO: Get The End of An Animation
HOW TO: Use Easing Functions :disco:
HOW TO: Check Out Previous Drafts You Saved
HOW TO: Use Thought Bubbles + Have Characters talk while doing an animation
:black_heart: TEMPLATE: Showing Individual Character Points in A Choice :white_heart:

CODE: Talking to 7 People and Remembering :cake4:
Panning & Zooming At The Same Time
2. :cherries: CODES: Having Characters Walk on a looping Background :cherry_blossom:
Rotating Overlays
Smoother Scenes

(Btw I coppied these links from this thread)

And my own thread:


I learnt through watching Josephโ€™s tutorials on YouTube back in 2017 and also through trial and error. I didnโ€™t bother with the guides (still donโ€™t) and I didnโ€™t know about the forums back then.


Well, all coding commands can be learned through guides and help from the forums. But if you aim for the aesthetics, you can start by reading stories with beautiful/mind-blowing directing and setting your bar higher with every chapter. It also helps if youโ€™re into films and take inspiration from their cinematography!

And since custom-made overlays are almost a necessity for great directing nowadays, you may want to learn how to edit poses and limb overlays using ibispaint, photoshop or the sort.