Which 'You' design should I use?

So I’m getting ready to start making the cover of one of my stories- “Cheer On!”.
However I have come across a problem; I don’t have a ‘set’ character design for the character you play as. Of course in the actual story you can customise the character to suit your personal preferences however I’d like to put one version of ‘you’ on the cover so I need to decide on a default setting version of ‘you’.
I have 4 options I have created that I’m fond of but can’t decide between them for which would be best for the cover. I’ve also posted a pic below of some of the other female characters just so you have references to those that may be on the cover etc.
The story itself is a ‘basic’ cheerleading squad story but I thought it would be a good way to keep practising my writing for Episode in between my other stories.
In the ‘you’ character sheet I’ve also included 3 possible outfits that ‘you’ might wear and wanted to know which of the 3 would be your favourite? Most of the time the gals will be in their simple cheer gear so these are mainly ideas for out of cheer practise, eg in class/out of school at the weekend etc.

Other gals:

I did my best to stick to an American school style while still trying to make some creative characters (e.g Jane the pastel punk/goth, Bea the swim team’s lifeguard etc) so please let me know any feedback you may have on these outfits as well as the character designs in general.
A lot of the characters/outfits will go through much more editing and changes by the time I finish the scripting/cover and some of the outfits aren’t actually theirs- Jane, Bea and Poppy are the only ones that have their actual outfits at the moment.
Hopefully this makes sense and I look forward to your replies :slight_smile:


#4 because we don’t really see much East Asian MC’s


I like 2 MC ,cause I can relate to her :laughing: