While I’ll never become a writer: the guidelines

And I’m telling them they’re wrong. I bought up @AJ_PELZER story as it was an example of how I proved that characters can’t be shown in bed, but you’ve leaped on the sex discussion. I had frank point about how silly it is for an action movie not to have people being killed but that’s been ignored

I don’t think anyone knows really for sure what happened to Ivy, but I think it’s safe to say that since it’s been gone for a while, it isn’t coming back. Episode has already started moving some of it’s Ivy stories and re-purposing them as Originals, or so we suspect (ex. E-Girl).

As for the compromise, Episode is a little selective, which is very unfortunate, esp as we have tried for a while to get them to be more fair. All in all it is their app, and the audience is 13+ (or younger).

And I’m sorry that you’re feeling attacked, but that does kind of come with posting a question on a forum viewed by many people with many different opinions…


No that comes when you dare have an opinion contrary to episode policy.
Yes it is unfortunate but it’s also unfair and since a promise was broken, doesn’t mean we can’t call them out on it just because that’s the way it is. You are allowed to protest a decision even if its not coming back. We deserve an explanation.
And don’t tell me you’re “sorry” then do a “you bought it in yourself” comment. That totally contradicts your statement

I had an opinion and I said it as I see it. Now, I’ll be leaving this thread since I appear to be causing more harm than help. Sorry to waste all of your time.

And if you want to protest Episode’s policies, I suggest checking out the Instagram pages of people who are already doing so, or have gotten their stories removed for FAQs.


Hence the title of my topic

Hm, so now sex is synonymous with love, huh? Yet another wrong statement which is harmful. Kept digging you’re hole I see.

Very well, let me correct my statement then. You wanna read and write about sex so bad, there are a ton of apps where you can do that. This app is not one of them.

Just kept coming with the disrespect huh?

Wow, I can smell the ignorance. I say everyone who has had a one night stand, has casual sex with their best friends with no romantic intent appearing and aromantics have easily proved you wrong on this point. Not that that’s hard to do anyway.

Really laid in right here huh? Well, wouldn’t it be a surprise for you to know there are many people who actual live long and happy sex free lives and marriages. And guess what?? There’s no problem! It’s almost as if sex isn’t a requirement to be happy and satisfied. Whodathunk? :woman_shrugging:t5:

And your aphobia is showing very clearly right now. I just want you to know that many asexuals have faced medicalization abuse, have been deemed mental ill and have been forced into corrective/marital r*pe experiences just because we don’t experience sexual attraction as much as allosexuals and may be repulsed by or not want to have sex. And all that stems from this very ignorant statement of yours, right here

And never did I call sex sinful, which you fabricated I did because you peeped my profile and saw i was asexual (nice sleuthing btw, here’s a gold star :star:). That was your own stereotypical and incorrect projection of me as an asexual. It would help to do some reading up on it sometime so you can actually have points that aren’t coated in lack of knowledge and bias~

Anyway, my point with the ratings still stands. Feel free to look into the ratings of each store.


thats not true I explicity asvered that you can have people killed, so do not say it was ignored.

In my story I killed 4 characters. And my MC has several times sex ( not on screen but you know it) I dont want to sound like advertising my story but It has almost 500k reads and is all the time intop 100 in fantasy so you can say its pretty exposed. It went through episode big check when the guidelines changed and The only problem I got was one slur I forgot to censor.


Well I saw a topic from someone who said they had to alter it because someone was killed. Seems like episode reviewers aren’t consistent or the writer was lying. But why would she do that?

Could be hat because you have a high readership that they let it go. I noticed that does happen a fair bit
@AJ_PELZER could you help me here?

Of course personal point of view of the reviewer might play role.

But its also about how you show it.

If you put lot of overlays to make the body beaten or tortured of course this is against guidelines.

I also added “skip scene” or “no blood overlays” so the more sensitive plp could skipp the scenes.

And the last one where the main vilian is killed I havent used blood overlays at all.

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She said all it was was a guy shot and went to the ground dead. Nothing else

I cant talk for other people, just This is exactly how my main vilian dies too. You see the one shooting and than you see the bad guy on floor.

Like I said the rules ARE inconsistent

I get that the personal point of view of the reviewer might be problematic, but even so if they would tell to redo such scene its not such big deal, you can just have the shooter and than short narrator saying that the guy is dead without showing the body. Trust me the efect for reader will be practicly the same.

The point is its only you hindering yourself in writing because you create the feeling you are way too limited by the rules.

Well its your feeling you have right for it. Just think for a momant abot the amout of stories and writers who are able to write good stories within the guidelines….

Maybe you will find out that this “I am so limited” is only excuse for not starting to write.



Yeah well if they’re not going to censor the popular ones and keep the small ones censored then there’s no no synod have a hope in hell here.

13 should mean it for all not just the popular stories

OK you obviosly want to be the victim always finding reason why you will have problem…

Well I am not going that way with you.

Because Every author who is now big started as small and unknown.

It took me 2 years of hard work to slowly dig up my story to where it is now. I wasnt the “rocket” succes, I was a small author with just few thousands reads for pretty long time.

So I know well how it is to be small author without big fan base. Yet I still made it to pretty goid succes. Yeah I am not a million reads author but I still I feel I did good job.

And no I cant confirm that as a small author I was treated worse by episode then now when my story got sucesfull and I am not so small anymore.

I actually got my other story which had in that time less than 1000 reads featured on episode hidden gems shelf, so I see that episode realy tries to support the small authors and small stories.

Its simple - there are some rules - eather you will accept it and make best out of it, or you will stay where you are complaining about it.
The choice is yours to make.


No because like I’ve said I’ve seen how small writers are treated. Many stories I loved removed because of small transgressions. Yet that “Chain reaction” being largely unchanged. It disgusts me
They only started going hardcore on rules a few years ago

well somebody wants to see the positives somebody the negatives.

Your choice.

I prefer to make lemonade when life gives me lemmons.:wink:


Yoeah they get stricter but the rules are actually almost the same as they ware, Episode just in past was not so much paying attention if the rules are broken, and now they do what they should have been doing from the start.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As other mentioned there are other aps aiming or more mature audience. If this is that important for you go and write for the other aps. I mean complaining here will not change anything for you… you will just still not be writing.

So if you want to write and episode is not your field find the field that makes you happy instead.


Yes, I do know people who have lived this way and no they have never needed counseling because, as I’ve said before and which seems to slip very easily over your head as all other sensible points have done, you don’t need sex to sustain a healthy lifestyle much less a healthy romantic lifestyle. Believe it or not.

You seem to be angry I chose this talking point. Why does it matter I chose to address this topic? Is it not one of your points I’m addressing? Did I not offer a sensible explanation on why exactly the guidelines wouldn’t allow this content you mentioned? I don’t know what kind of school of debate or discussion you studied at but the last time I checked the imaginary rulebook on it it wasn’t required to address every point in an online forum for animated pixels soooooo.

I’m curious, you said you wanted “our mature app” back here

I assume you are talking about IVY, the only mature app they’ve broadcasted and tried so far, which was, yes, filled with what is categorized as p*rnographic content.

P*rnography refers to material dealing with sex designed to arouse its readers or viewers. ​

That is all that was on that app actually. Very sexually explicit content, a lot of it being BDSM related content, with very little plot and a lot of lack of clear consent, might I add. Do you not want that kind of content? Because that’s the kind of content you’re gonna get if you want that kind of app back.

By the looks of it, they weren’t even gonna let anyone write on it.

Again, pulling stuff I never said out of thin air. Question, do you have any interest in becoming a magician at any point in life, you’d be really good at it. Tell me you don’t have a point without telling me you don’t have a point lol.

l also sincerely hope you never come into contact with a sex repulsed person. I don’t think they’d appreciate you calling their personal views around sex, may it be formed from trauma or not, sick lol.

Breaking news, uh, a person doesn’t have to have romantic attraction to have sex with another person. I don’t even understand what that has to do with my asexuality at all. That isn’t even what the basis of asexuality is.

As much as I love educating the uneducated about the differences in romantic and sexual attraction, I feel the effort will be wasted at this point so I highly recommend you click that little link in my bio on asexuality. Because the ignorance is honestly embarrassing at this point. Really is.

Mmmmm, no, everyone does not experience sexual attraction. Me and millions of other people in the world can attest to that. I know your little one track allo brain is wired to think that all people do but, really, I’m sorry to disappoint you, that’s completely not true. And it’s actually really hilarious for you to tell me exactly how I feel. I wasn’t aware you were me lol.

Hey, again, to avoid these embarrassing displays of ignorance on your part, I really do recommend you reading, well, any educational text at this point really, material on asexuality and what exactly it is. The link in my bio is free to click and I promise, not painful.

Achievement unlocked: Xenophobia.

Aren’t you a ball of sunshine.

You are scarily good at this making stuff up thing. Seriously.

I don’t know where you read I was in any way against you calling me asexual. I…even explicitly stated I was…I-


Don’t remember calling anyone a smut peddler. There’s def a market tho.

Hm, okay? I doubt 13 years olds have bills to pay, but I guess. Don’t know why you assume a sheltered life is in any way related to answering a question about why explicit sex scenes can’t be written on a teen app due to app store developers enforcing their guidelines, but I tend to forget you like doing that fabricating trick of yours.

Exhibit A:

Ah, okay, let’s totally assume that happened.

Kind of hard to believe someone who exhibits no knowledge on even the basics of asexuality could even make that connection by themselves, but alright.

Ah dammit! You’ve caught me! It’s true. I’ve been dumping anti-sex attraction tablets in the water supply in my grand plan to eradicate the world of sexual attraction :raised_hand:t5::pensive: Take me away officer!