White people can be the recipients of racism as well

I have seen many people on here claim that racism can not be experienced by white people. This just isn’t true, guys. Racism is the act or feeling of hating someone simply because of their skin tone/race/ethnicity. I don’t care about y’alls new modified definitions attempting to invalidate any racism white people have faced.
In order to push racism out of our society, we must first acknowledge what it is. No more excuses.

Also, keep it civil if you’re going to reply - thankss

When y’all flag this cause it’s a different opinion-
it’s not ok that I’m being censored but it’s fine rn cause i’m in a good mood <3


Just a quick note:
Racism isn’t just about skin tone. It can also be about how “All Asians have small eyes” or something like that (which isn’t true, Asians can have large eyes!) It has to do with a feature or trait that someone has which people discriminate against.


Right- agreed thank you, I’ll modify that!

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Well I disagree because white people have the advantage in society due to years of racism against black people so no matter how much black people “hate” on white people it still wouldn’t count as racism because they won’t be disadvantaged really or won’t suffer as much
So no I don’t believe white people can be recipients of racism.


Also please explain what type of racism white people have experienced?


Agreed! It may be insulting, but it won’t affect them systematically.


So you’re saying we determine whether or not something is racist based on which group has it worse? That’s flawed logic- That’s like saying because one person has been stolen from 5 times and another person has been stolen from once - that the person who was stolen from once wasn’t actually stolen from. You’re definition change is only based on who receives it most hence excluding those who have experienced it as well, just less

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That’s not what racism is. Racism is hating someone for their race. All that other stuff is a result, but that doesn’t mean its equal and the same

Yea, this is kinda proof that you see the racism majorities can face as equal to the ones that minorities do. It’s not, it’s different, and equating it is ignoring the power majorities have over minorities.


Racism is practically oppression. You cannot be oppressed when you are at an advantage.
White people DO NOT experience racism PERIOD!
Do other races experience racism of course but not white people
Also you haven’t said the instances where white people have experienced racism


Well, nearly all mean girls in I’ve seen Episode stories are white… so that could be one? :thinking:


so if one group were say, punched in the face more than another, we should change the definition of what it means to be punched in the face?

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That’s bullying not racism. There’s a difference


Yea, you’re definitely confused :skull:

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You would still say it’s not racist regardless if a white person was bullied for their race, anyways

I get that white people can face prejudice, but the thing is that white people can’t be the victims of racism because racism is something larger and more systemic than what is faced as a result of prejudice. White people aren’t brutalized by the police because of their race, white people aren’t denied housing, and never needed to fight for civil rights because they were born with them. Racism isn’t just about one person hating another person for their skin color, it’s about society disadvantaging entire groups. I really hope you learn something from everyone else who is bound to comment here. It’s never too late to educate yourself.




Black people are literally killed for the color of their skin.
Does that happen to white people? No
Even the bullying black people face is way more extreme than what white people face.
Bullying a white person because of their skin will literally do nothing to them except make them mad or sad or something.


I’m trying to understand y’all’s point but I cannot get behind the fundamental idea that white people cannot experience racism. It’s bad logic and I’ve get to hear something that is a reasonable argument

Yes it does. Just not as much.