Who do you think is better?

Hey guys I’ve been thinking 'bout this for a quite long time that who’s the better rapper
Is it Nicky Minaj or is it Cardi B?
Well everyone can be very sure that I’m not insulting anyone of them, literally both are awesome rappers…
Just for the sake of your opinions :slight_smile:
What do you think?


I like Nicky better

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Nicki MINAJ tHO cardi isn’t that bad anymore to me ig…

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Nicki is the Queen of rap. Cardi B is a bit… I don’t know. I’m not a fan of her tbh, but it’s not like I hate her or anything, some of her music is okay.

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Neither. :wink:

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Nicky Minaj is perfect…

Then whom do you like?

Neither one of them is better. I thought this ended months ago, they are tired of this.


I like Nicky better, but honestly, I think both of them are pretty bad…

Tomayto, tomahto. I’d recommend checking out actual music instead of these turdfondlers.

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