Who else out here loves thriller / horror genre

I loooooove Horror! Movies, books, tv shows, even Episode stories (even though they’re nowhere near as scary as the rest, no offence) most people think it’s weird to like Horror so much, but I don’t get it, I absolutely love horror! It’s fun for me to watch a horror movie before going to sleep, it gives me like, calming vibes (yes, all the gore and people screaming and dying and what not gives me calming vibes, okay?) is that weird? Does anybody else here likes that?

I like horror movies , but my friends are too afraid to watch them. There nothing weird in liking them as it is every person has different choice they might say it’s weird as they might be scared of them

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Who is up for a suspense thriller story

Surezaz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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