Who is your favorite love interest from "The Teacher" and why?

So I just finished reading the Limelight version of “The Teacher” by Mette M. Peleikis and it’s a great story! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a new user story to read! But I was wondering for all of you that have read this story who your favorite love interest is and why? My favorite LI is Sam because he’s just perfect in my opinion…he’s attractive, a doctor, old-school charm, and he really cares about Mia…but I honestly feel like he’s too good for Mia. xD

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Mine was Will (I think that was his name) her friend, he was sweet and fun and her age. Sam was good too but I never liked the teacher character tbh.

Yeah, Will was great…I just thought Darryl had too many temper issues.

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