Who's interested?

Hi everyone! I’m new here, and I was wondering if anyone would be interested on doing an Art cover for my new LL story called : Anne Secret


I make covers.

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Would you be interested on doing one for my story?

Yes… I just need the details of what you would like…

Title: Anne Secret
Genre : Mystery
Style : LL
This story talks about the importance of not trusting strangers, even if they appear to be who they are not.

Author name?
Characters on it?
Background if known?

Author : libb18scad
Main character : Anne
Background : forest / at night

Can you give me Anne’s details or a screenshot of her in the pose you would like?

Hi there!

This is in the wrong category. You put it in: Art + Animations: Art and Animation suggestions go here! located in Feature & Art Suggestions when it should be in Art Resources : Need help finding your answers about cover art or design? Getting cover art done? Here is the place to go! located in Creator’s Corner.

Art + Animations is if you want to suggest things related to art and animations to become a part of the writer’s portal (ex. The animation flex for females)

Art Resources is for sharing/ requesting art and in your case, getting a cover done.

Check out this tutorial on posting in the right categories: Official Tutorial/How-To for the Forums (V2)

Good luck! :heart:

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Hello @libb18scad, this is Sydney the moderator. Welcome to the forums! :smiley: I’ve moved this topic to Art Resources because Feature + Art Suggestions is for requests to the development team. Make sure to check out the tutorial link provided by JemU776 above. Thanks! :grin:

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