Why does my overlay POP in like some kind of maniac

I get you, overlays were confusing to me when I first started.

You have to specify timing in your scale and/or shift commands depending on what you want to do. If you want it move over visibly from one zone to the other, you should add something like “@overlay Doggie_Ear shifts to 183 -20 in zone 1 in 3” or whatever time you want it to be, in seconds. I can help you more if you like by telling me what exactly is going on in the scene :grinning:.

Also, I would recommend you include all your overlay commands to the background name instead of below it. Otherwise your overlay may not show up immediately between scene changes. And you don’t need to use timing in beats, you can use seconds and save yourself some valuable space!

This post covers pretty much everything you need to know about normal overlays.

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