Why is music not working?

So I just got an iPhone and download episode on my phone and when I was re reading a story I can only hear sounds and I read the story before and I remember hearing music. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem.

Thanks in advance!

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I was going to ask if your ringer was up, but you could hear sounds, so that’s strange. Have you tried restarting your phone?

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No let me try that :slight_smile:

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Okay, tell me if it works!

I don’t think I have a restart button I can only see a shut down button and when I press shut down twice and went back to the app I still couldn’t hear the music

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To restart your of iPhone, you have to hold the power button and the volume button down at the same time for a few seconds.

And aww. :\ … I don’t know then. Sorry

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Oh ok let me and thank you for helping :two_hearts:

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No problem! :))

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