Why isn't my background working?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows why my background isn’t working.
I did the upload bit and it got approved, however, when I try to put it in the story, it says it isn’t an existing background.
I have tried refreshing my page, I checked I had spelling it right, but it still says it.

There is nothing wrong with your background, its still in review, hmm make sure you don’t have any directing errors in your script.

Oh wow. It never happen to me thought. :thinking:

It says it has been approved, does that still mean it is review?

Hey there! That’s happened to me a couple times, but sometimes it’s not the spelling.
Maybe check to see if you named it
Sometimes I add a space and sometimes I don’t add a space, so it can be confusing, haha. If that doesn’t work, tell me!!

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Thank you, it is working now

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Np :DD

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