Wits of Magic R4R

I’ve just created a story but don’t have any reads. If you have a chance, search, read, and/or share Wits of Magic.
Wits of Magic: You are a charming girl living in a world of magic. Exciting right? Wrong. What happens when your friends imprison you in space because you have ancient power?
You can also post your story in the comments for R4R
*Love interests: 1
*Choices somewhat matter
*Genre: Fantasy
*Reads so far: 4
*Please Read


Hi everyone so I finished my fairy tail contest entry and I would love to do a r4r with you

Title: Not so Prince Charming

Description: After you parents die your all alone with your wicked stepmom and mean half sisters until there is a masquerade ball at the castle but the prince isn’t as charming as you thought

Genre: Romance

Chapters: 3

Hey! Your story description sounds pretty interesting. I’d love to give it a shot. I’d also really appreciate it if you check out my Fairy Tale entry. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Here’s info about my story!

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5305767660552192

Plot: After a dangerous encounter, you and your friends are caught in the center of a dark event. With shocking secrets, dire circumstances, and hot strangers, what’s in store for you?

In this story…

  • You can choose the gender of the MC
  • There are 6 nonhuman love interests (3 guys and 3 girls).
  • Choices matter.
  • Point Systems are used (friendship and romance).
  • GOLD CHOICES drastically impact the story.
  • Episode 3 has two (very interesting) alternate endings.
  • You get to customize all the MC’s friends! Each episode will feature CC for some characters.
  • There’s a Cameo Runway! (Anyone who sends me a cameo for the story will get to walk the red carpet!)
  • There’s a huge mysterious secret kept among all the characters that remains hidden from the MC throughout the story.
  • There are four dimensions: Human, Fairy, Demon, and Vampire.

I really hope you check it out and enjoy! For any updates, comments, questions, or random conversations through DM, please follow me on Instagram! @crimsoncat6_episode

I would love to do a 3x3 r4r with you!

Here’s my story details:

Title: FT: The Emperor
Author: Maia Rose
Instagram: @maiarosewrites
Genre: Drama
Number of Episodes: 3, more coming soon!
Art style: Limelight
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5686098104352768

Description: Florian Empire had it all; money, looks, fame. He was the master; the world his chessboard. But power has its price. A price which everyone must be willing to pay.


I’m interested in R4r

Title: FT: Onset of Winter
Author: Aykay
Description: When the elven kingdom is asked for help in the fight against evil, Emerelle finally gets the chance to bring honor to her family. The only problem? Cathaldo - a human warrior.
Genre: Fantasy
Chapters: 3 (ongoing)
Instagram: @aykayepisode
Small cover:

Large cover:

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/5302338585821184

What else to expect?: Point system with 2 endings, mini games, art scenes, advanced directing, 1LI, full CC

I’m interested for rfr with you.

  • Send me a pm with no of chapters in forums or ig!


Chapters: 8
Instagram: @sm._.writes
Author Name: Madhu
Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/6531970718957568

Story name:

High on Love and Formaldehyde

AUTHOR: Liz & Mar

GENRE: Romance/Drama

Chapters So Far: 20

STYLE: Limelight

IG: @ liz_mar.episode

DESCRIPTION: Working at a morgue is what Eliana loves but when her life gets darker than her job, she’ll need all the support she can get. Who’ll bring back the light in the dark?

CC, LL, Art


**Song recommendations to play while reading certain scenes are shown throughout the story **

Story Link

Personal link including playlist

Hi @MantaLantis! I’m interested in doing a r4r! Here’s the details of my story.

Title: FT: A Plea to The Moon

Genre: Drama

Author Name: I.AM.

Instagram: @i.am.writesfiction

Link: http://episodeinteractive.com/s/4623752187543552

Story Description:
The year is 1620.
You are a princess from a small kingdom.
A diplomatic marriage? Unavoidable.
But what happens when the other side figures you are not who you said you were? [Based on a Malaysian folklore]

I can do r4r!

Story: The Unwanted
Genre: Mystery
Insta: @evilyn.writes
Style: Ink

15 years since we’ve been deemed useless and deported to Earth. Now, we reunite to solve the supernatural murders and as past becomes present, our mistakes become fatal…

Advanced directing/ overlays etc.

Link: https://episodeinteractive.com/s/i/5431076573085696

Thanks :hugs: