Worst Period Experiences šŸ˜¶

At least you were given a first hand warning. It was so embarrassing for me that I was the only girl in the class that got my first period. Like whenever I need to be excuses to go to the bathroom and change pads, I had to be discreet with where I should put the clean pad without anyone in the class knowing.

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I was on a school break. Wow that mustā€™ve been tough

I hate the cramps, I sometimes have illness, only had a 3 day one once and I was the first one out of all my friends, I hate using tampons and the day pads so I use night pads for school as mine is always heavy. Worst thing for me is when Iā€™m ill and I didnā€™t bring any pads so you have to awkwardly ask your friend for some. (today)


The cramps are the worst. Especially when youā€™re at school, the pain gets super brutal.

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Yeah, had it today

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I know how you feel. When I was 11, it was so brutal that I started crying in front of the whole class. I had to go home that day. It was embarrassing because the boys had no clue what was going on.

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It was pretty tough. After the other girls in my class got their periods, I didnā€™t like how one girl told this boy that I got my period so they can pick on me even though I was very discreet with where I put a pad in my pocket without them seeing.

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I got mine when I was 12.

I rarely get cramps.

I have a heavy flow.

The smell becomes stronger and stronger as the days go by. Like fish.

TMI but like weā€™re all girls right

I can tell when blood is coming out LOL

I almost finish a whole box of pads every time

One time I wet a chair.

How I got it

I was going to the hospital and was about to leave when I felt something. I tried to ignore it but I couldnā€™t so I checked and I saw the most weirdest thing. It was brown, so I thought it was poo at first, but then I saw red. So i RUSHED to mother to ask and she was like ā€œYep, youre a woman now. You got your period. Brb lemme get padsā€ I didnā€™t believe her until I got home, when I could see the blood. It was brown though.

First experience...

I was nine, I started during school time, I thought i shit my pants or somethingā€¦ but my teacher explained when you first get it the blood is a really dark brown. Nothing much else to add.

Am I the only one who doesnā€™t get cramps or bad skin when itā€™s my period?


I donā€™t get super bad cramps sometimes and Iā€™ve never had bad skin with it


this had me creasing lmaoooo

damn girl, weā€™re lucky bitches.

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holy fuck, letā€™s not start with ā€œIT SMELLS OF FISH, ARE YOU ON YOUR PERIODā€¦?!ā€

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Yasssssss girl! Iā€™m happy tho because the cramps on my family are really bad like I can tell with my mom and my aunt use to get sick on herā€™s

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omg i can relate, half the time I think my mum and sisters are exaggerating.


I had like 5 minute cramps when I first started but since Im ā€œbrokenā€ acording to my sister I havenā€™t had any more in almost 3 months

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Right! But like the last two Iā€™ve had theyā€™ve been kinda painful and my mom was like danggggg itā€™s not that bad but on my cramp pain level they were reallyyyy bad


Youā€™re new donā€™t worry. Iā€™m irregular still and Iā€™ve had periods for two years I think? And my mom and doctor said itā€™s normal Iā€™m just irregular

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girl Iā€™m praying for you, my worst nightmare is cramps and acne

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Girl Iā€™m just thankful I donā€™t get my momā€™s cramps or acne at all like yasssssss :joy: